2013 Infiniti G37 Sedan - AC leak

I install freon it goes into car fine but it is coming out somewhere because by time I nstall a can of freon it shows empty again but don`t see or hear no leaks what can this be?

Time for a AC professional to look at the system.


R134a is a colorless, odorless gas basically, you are going to have to use an electronic sniffer or add AC dye in order to find your leak…

Best to take it to a Pro AC repair shop…


You answered your own question…

But that does not mean there isn’t a leak. refrigerant is colorless and oderless. If you install dye into the system and check for leaks with a black light, you might find the source.

Or take it to a professional that has the correct equipment to find and fix the leak and properly recharge it.

edit: Seems we have a consensus… :man_mechanic:

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