2010 Nissan Sentra - Motor mount issues

I was told my car needs motor mounts, it cluncks quite a bit when i hit bumps, the bigger the bump, the worse the clunk. How important is it that i get it fixed? I think i have been driving with it like that for a while, i say i think because there are other issues that are particularly noisy, that i just got fixed, so now i can hear

Sounds more like struts/strut mounts and sway bar links and or other suspension stuff…
Engine mount clucks is more when putting it in gear and or when you hit the gas pedal…

Engine/trans mounts are important, they keep the engine from falling out of the car… lol… The engine/trans moving around will stress the axles and cause early failure, it can/will cause wiring harnesses to stretch, hoses to stretch…

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I have had all my shocks and struts replaced as well as the sway bar

I was told it was the motor mount

Presuming your shop are experienced pros, suggest to trust them. Your Sentra is nearly 15 years old & could very well need the motor mounts replaced. You could ask your shop to show you the test for why they think so. A common diagnostic is to start & idle the engine, then a helper steps on the brakes (to prevent car from moving) while shifting from R to D several times. The mechanic watches the engine compartment from the front & notes how much the engine & trans rotate. As mentioned above, you’ll be money ahead to replace them now rather than waiting, presuming the testing shows that’s needed. I should mention that my 30 & 50 year old vehicle both have their original mounts, so they can last a long time. The 50 year old is scheduled for new mounts next summer.

The front and rear mounts on the crossmember are particularly weak and are prone to failure, especially if the driver has a heavy foot. Fortunately they are not very hard to replace. Parts run about $100 plus a couple hours labor.