I am not familiar with the term “block test”. The CHT or coolant sensors are tested in a way similar to any other temp sensor. It should have a particular voltage at a particular temp. . A test of this circuit will also require testing the input voltage from the PCM and testing the wires for shorts and opens. Since it is an intermittent problem, it might be difficult. I can give you some values for my '99 4.6 l. but I can’t say if they will be the same for your car. At 68 F, 37 K ohms; at 104 F, 16 K ohm; at 194 F, 2.75 k ohm. The voltage between Vref and sig return should be 4-6 volts with the TP sensor disconnected and the Key on, engine off.
Are you sure the coolant level is correct? Have someone tap on the temp sensors and watch the gauge to see if it changes. Wiggle the temp sensor wires and see if the temp gauge changes. Wiggle the connectors in the temp sensor circuits and see if the temp gauge changes. If you are going into the Fail-safe cooing mode, I believe that a DTC will be set.
Let’s get back to another piece of information. I am almost certain that you have a two-speed fan. It should come on low, and then high as the engine warms up. It should be on high with the AC on. Verify that the fan is working properly.
www.crownvic.net has a lot of knowledge of 4.6L motors. Try also www.flatratetech.com