The rear wiper motor doesn’t work on my 2002 Ford Focus Hatchback. How can I access the motor/mechanism so I can fix it?
Check the fuse first. You’ll have to remove the interior trim from the hatch to reach the motor.
After you check the fuse, check the wiring that goes to the hatch. On some cars there is a bundle of wires that connects to the hatch, near the hinges. Those wires flex every time the hatch opens, and they can break inside the insulation. If you see them, turn on the wiper and then gently wiggle the bundle to see if you can make it run, however briefly. Obviously, if you get a reaction, your problem is in those wires.
On other cars there are contacts on the hatch frame that touch plates on the car body when the hatch is closed. Find them and clean them up, and look at them carefully to see if they look OK.
But first, check the fuse, and if that was the problem, post back here so we can stop thinking about your problem.
Fuse is ok - got the trim off but my mechanic said it could be an electrical problem anyplace along the line so I might have him do the work. Thanks.
Tried your “wiggle test” and nothing happened. Also, Fuse is ok - got the trim off but my mechanic said it could be an electrical problem anyplace along the line so I might have him do the work. Thanks.