2001 Ford Focus A/C Problem

I have a funny problem, never encountered this before. When I go to turn on the A/C, fan does not work for fan speeds 1 thru 3, and the A/C green light is on all this time. when I turn to fan speed 4, the fan comes on, but the A/C green light goes out and A/C does not blow cold

Is this electronic or manual (dials and knobs) control?

manual, dials and knobs.

1 through 3 speeds are likely out because the resistors in the pack are out and you need to replace the pack. The high fan speed does not use the resistors so it is not a problem. Sometimes the resistors burn out due to age and some times because the fan motor is wearing out. You should experience the same thing if you try to use the heat.

That green light has me confused… I don’t have any ideas on that.

Probably the green light is indicating when the AC compressor engaged. Does the green light come on in any AC position on high, max, norm, or defrost? I would be looking at a faulty switch, but you really need to find a wiring diagram.

yes, it tells you the A/C is “ON” and the compressor kicks in

Thank you, i replaced the resistor, and now the A/C works, at least for a couple of days, the green light is the A/C “on” light. please see my new post under 1994 escort and 2001 focus, it gets interesting…