1972 Honda n600 bad timing? White smoke?

Well we were pulling for you VInce… Hoping you did NOT damage any valves, but we were worried for good reason as you now know…

If you are going to take off the cylinder head…just repair the bent valve…no need for a new head just because of one bent valve. It should be very cost effective to repair what you have for sure…assuming the head is still intact and a good candidate for repairs…and it should be…

Not sure the precise cost of this service but its not super expensive… I dunno about 5 Bucks a hole like @ok4450 mentioned…and if this is correct I need the number to OK’s machine shop…lol But regardless its not expensive to replace and lap in a new intake valve. You will need to have the head fully checked over however, to make sure that is the only damage you incurred. You have to consider the age of this vehicle…any “New” cylinder head you find will most likely be used…and even IT needs to be gone over before installation…so you might as well use what you have…it may be better than what you can find used.

Anyway…let us know and good luck.


Consider finding a motorcycle engine mechanic to take the head to.
There may be a motorcycle valve that will fit.

That’s a good idea. One that works on old Honda bikes would be perfect.