August 7, 2016, 11:01am
More power to you Bing ,if you had a percolator(wally World sells them) you could have made coffee on your grill,if you had one,of course assuming you had water. EMP not withstanding,I think a small solar powered back up system(zoning permitting) would be a good thing to have for a backup system,you could even run a few things in your workshop off of this,a few lights a small refrigerator and you have covered a lot of necessities,you could even dedicate an array for an AC ,that function when you needed it most.I know the array would be large ,but you could fuel an electric bike or a small EV from the sun,would at least get you around.
If you were close enough to a nuclear explosion for the EMP to disable your car, I kind of suspect that an inoperative car will be the least of your problems.