Hauling Horses - gas or diesel?

There are storage issues with biodiesel, Particulary B100. This is more of a concern for fuel producers and distributors than the consumer though?so I?m not going to get into it:)

For most people, B20 (20% bio, 80% LSD) is the most appropriate route if they want to run bio. Running B100 may require fuel system and injector modifications and exhibits high gel temps (some B100 fuels are as high as 30 - 40 deg F!) Dyno testing with B100 has also demonstrated higher NOx emissions than conventional or LSD fuels, but the tests are less conclusive in ?real world? tests. Still a lot of research being done in the bio fuel world?which is another good reason for the average consumer to stick with B20.

Bio fuel does offer better lubricity than the LSD fuels, so mixing a 2-5% bio with LSD can solve the lubrication issues associated with LSD and ULSD fuels.