Get Quirky!

In your quest for notoriety, you must remember that there is a fine line between eccentric and crazy. You do not want to be considered crazy. Here are three simple steps to avoid this.

First, determine which path you may be treading by listening for key indicators… when your friends use words like “quirky”,“offbeat” and “unorthodox” when describing your behavior, you are on your way to eccentricity. If, however, they use words like “bizarre”,“wacko” and “crazy” take care that you are not pre-fitting yourself for a Bellevue blazer.

Second, accumulate a large amount of wealth. This will significantly blur the line between eccentric and crazy. I refer to the old adage 'What’s the difference between eccentric and crazy… about a million dollars."

Third, and most important, do not take the advice of people who post comments on blogs, especially those that are supported in part by Public Radio. You often find these people in coffee houses for 6 plus hours a day; feverishly typing on their laptops with caffeine stained fingers… or tending to their 8.7 cats… or worse, attempting to fix their own cars based on the recommendations of crazy old men. This advice is not to be trusted.

Madeline, I hope this helps in keeping you just to the left of loony. Oh, and listen to your mom. She will get soooo much smarter in the decade to come.

Al In Vegas (but you can call me Napoleon B.)