What is a pinch weld?


Independent mechanic shop agrees the sound might be from the strut but not necessarily.

Indy shop suggests that rather than just replace the strut and not know if it will fix the problem that they hook up sensors which actually listen to various suspect parts, one part at a time, switching the audio feed from part to part, while driving the car and specifically locate the problem. Works for me! (Note: the dealership mechanic after over 2 hours time driving and looking is only 50% sure that replacing the strut, strut mount and bearing will solve the issue.)

So, next Tuesday morning I leave the car with the indy mechanic for that diagnostic. I’m putting more money up front into diagnostic labor time in hopes of getting the damage acurately determined and fully fixed right the first time rather than throw parts at it in hopes that was what was needed. Maybe I’m being overly cautious but will at least have better peace of mind this way. Also, I expect that my extra due diligence efforts up front will get me farther with the insurance adjuster along with my sterling record of only two minor claims 18 and 24 years ago. (Rear ended and rock through windshield.)

So, until Tuesday, it’s go fight removing four 33-year old hugely overgrown yews and a forest of invasive Chinese honeysuckle. Using my great-grandfathers tools proved a killer to my arthritis. So, I’ve invested $40 in new arthritis friendly heavy duty pruning saw and pruning lopper. It’s better than paying someone almost $1000 to cut down, uproot and haul all of the yews and honeysuckle away. I already pay for yard waste pickup in my trash bill. So, $40 of equipment, $10 to $20 worth of yard waste bags, some Roundup and stump rot chemicals already on hand, and sweat equity is far more affordable!