Gas Tank Fill Right or Left?

Yup. Your Taurus is definitely not the only right-side fill car out there.

As a partial sample, Subarus fill on the right, and IIRC, so do BMWs. The conventional theory on this is that, in the event of running out of gas on the road, this would allow you to stand on the side away from traffic in order to fill the tank from a jerry can, thus making you somewhat safer.
Is this really the reason? I don’t know.

Another thought as to why yours is on the right is that the Taurus is “derived” from a Volvo design, due to Ford’s ownership of Volvo (which is about to end). My guess is that the Volvo from which the Taurus was “derived” also has a right side gas fill.

Since virtually all gas pumps nowadays serve from both sides, you just may find yourself in the shorter line on the left side of the pump, while the majority of cars are on the right side of the pump. This could be an advantage!