My problems have noting to do with the clutch or transmission. True the transmission in this beast is truly second rate but it works.
My issue is with fuel economy and, believe it of not, Cigroller, proposed a solution that actually made sense and it was a good suggestion (I am ashamed to admit). When I bought this car I presumed maintenance had been performed according to manufacturer's specs but, in fact, the plugs had never been changed.
Changing the plugs (a 3 hour ordeal on this weird engine) resulted in a rough running engine but an increased mileage of more that 30%. Over the past two weeks my avarage mileage increased from less than 22 MP/G to 33.5 MP/G! Of course, the computer attempts to reduce that performance but, thus far, the new plugs have made a huge difference. Now I am actually inclined to keep this car for at least another year.