Saw you talking about a previous Honda lock problem and was curious if you could help. I own a 2001 Honda CRV and a few months ago, my driver's side door lock started acting up. (Note: I don’t use the keyless entry). At first, it randomly wouldn't lock/unlock along with the others. However, simply using the key or pushing/pulling on the lock knob did the trick. As time went on, the lock got more stubborn. Eventually, it took turning the key (hard) at the same time as pulling on the lever to unlock the door. Locking it still was not a problem. Now, even that does not work, and the only way to unlock it is to pull hard on the outside handle while pulling on the lock knob (this requires the window being down). Hence, I am resigned to climbing in the passenger door. I have replaced the entire mechanism within the door (latch, lock, and actuator). However, the problem is still exactly the same. What else could this be?