74, retired from IBM. Married. Bought Blazer new July 1986. 1st night at home, turned switch on and every light on dash came on. Back to dealer next day. Claimed ground between dash and firewall was loose.1 yr later phantom wiper switch showed up. Dealer never could correct. Switch on column replaced. Wiper motor replaced. GM service bulletin documented problem, but no fix. 2 yrs later oil gauge quit. Took back to dealer, 2 sending units replaced. Still not working. Back to dealer. They claimed when they shut it off. Engine locked up.Without getting 2nd opinion, replaced with new 2.8 crate engine @ 95,255 miles. 3 freeze plugs leaking. Water temp not working, no reason found. Manual gauge installed. Coolant leak manifold.
Journals clogged, Dexcool corrosion under manifold. Reconditioned one from salvage yard. Gas gauge failed. Replaced with new Delphi. Same problem. Replaced sending unit. Took cluster out and had it tested. Checked out fine. P/N on cluster showed ‘87 model. Shop thought P/N difference and parts switched out might be problem. Gauge has gotten progressively worse. Had tank dropped and connection checked. No problems found. Unable to get new gauge because of age. Costs too much to replace cluster. Will probably put new gauge in if I can find place for it. Can’t justify large
Expenditure because of age of vehicle.2 rust repairs done behind doors on both sides. Have probably spent enough in repairs that I could have bought
A new vehicle by now.