As a professional auto technician I have enjoyed my long standing career from an apprentice helper, to grow both mentally and adeptly to work in the industry as and accomplished reputable and ethical technician and shop foreman for one of if not the top auto group in Dallas Texas.
The Huffines Auto Group has my loyal respect and my achievements there as shop foreman were of good appreciative standings along my 27 year career.
I hold current master technician certifications with KIA Motors as well as Hyundai Motors and also have experience with all makes and models beyond this realm with foreign and domestic vehicles.
I advanced specifically with engine diagnosis as well as electrical diagnosis and repairs with 3 years of consecutive honors from KIA Motors and many letters of appreciation for aiding in the developing of Technical Service Bulletins published by the manufacturer as one involved with and active in the integral repair of the vehicles we took in to my shop. As a leader I gained the respect of the men I worked alongside and helped anyone along the way to extend their own tecnical careers by teaching them as my own apprentices or simply reviewing a misrepaired vehicle and correcting their understanding of the vast knowledge it takes to do the job. I can be reached at the link below for any vehicle concern and will provide execllent source info and help anyone if should they seek it.