Why is Diesel fuel more expensive then gasoline?

does any one really know if the claim that there is not enough refining capacity is true?

It is a little more complex than that. Our current refineries are old and in order to shift further towards diesel production is going to require different refineries as the current refineries were not designed for that. That does not eliminate the point that we are low on refineries, nor does it counter the problem of big oil choosing the most profitable time to pull a refinery off line for maintenance etc.

We are in a GLOBAL market, not only for crude oil but finished products as well. Diesel costs more because there is higher demand for it than there is for gasoline. Also, The EPA’s requirement for ULS diesel fuel limits the supply available to U.S. retailers. When you limit supply, the result is predictable…

Personally, I am not willing to choke in a cloud of diesel fumes and soot so truckers and R/V owners can enjoy cheaper fuel.

You mean “…burned more electricity…” That is yesterday’s news. The Gore estate has been retrofitted with equipment that has significantly decreased energy consumption. Try reading a newspaper once a month.

No he meant burns. If you had actually did research, rather then just repeating what the newspapers tell you like a trained parrot, you might have discovered that his estate has been using more electricity recently. To be more specific it used about 10% more during the recent year then the previous one.

Since you’re willing trust newspapers rather then doing your own research here are a few links that would be worth reading before you go off “correcting” someone with your “facts” again:
The Daily Telegraph
The Tennessean