What's actual cash value when repairs cost more than value

For Federal purposes, you did exactly the right things:
Print and keep a copy of the KBB valuation, the Repair Estimate to establish a Valuation.
Print and keep a copy of the Scrapyard Valuation.
Print and keep a copy of the Actual transfer price.

Cartwright, 411 US 546, fair market value (FMV) is defined as “the price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts."

The ideal FMV is your “Net Proceeds from a well attended auction” but most owners of low value cars don’t go that route so instead you have 3 defendable alternative valuations.

So assuming that the vehicle has been disposed your most likely FMV is either the Actual Sale Price OR the documented Scrap Value, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER.


Awesome, thanks for that!

I flagged it… Seastar 1st post…

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What? You don’t want to make money fast and donate to his paypal acct.?

I flagged it also.

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LOL Right, I just saw another one of his/hers, it’s, whatever got flagged also…

I guess all the money I made, then I could donate it to Robin H person…

These days it could be an AI “it”…