since you seem to know what your talking about, let me ask something else. so although i think theres a good chance your right about vacuum, i couldn’t find a problem in the ones in question. but i did find one by the wiper motor. that wasn’t it. but when i was driving around just now, i heard the sound and got down under dash and you can hear the water moving through the heater core. but its very gurgy and almost seems like its going through something clogged. do u think this sound could be like a pin point or very tiny leak? maybe steam?
That sound can occur if there’s air in the cooling system.
The audio you provided sounds like an HVAC door opening and closing.
I tried to find info on how the HVAC system works in your vehicle but found nothing.
All I know is the HVAC controller looks complicated.
What ever is making the sound is not connected to a variable speed motor, that rules out anything connected to the driveline. It also rules out the heater blower motor because it has multiple speeds. About the only fixed speed motors are the wiper motor and blend doors. But I think your blend doors predate the electric blend doors used today.
well, i can tell you i def. don’t have A/C. ill try and nail down the vacuum on the hvac door and get back to u.
they do. its all vacuum operated. but ive found several disintegrated vacuum tubes recently. its how i got the heater system going in the first place.
mine doesnt’ look like that. its only got 4. de ice, off, rear blower and heater.
You can remove the wiper arms and put them back into the correct position. They mount on a splined shaft. But that is not the problem. When you turn the wipers off, the motor runs until the wipers are back in their park position. BTW it is an electric motor, not a vacuum motor like in the 50’s.
There is a switch either in the motor or in the linkage that tells the motor that the blades are parked. If that switch is worn to the point that it intermittently thinks the blades are not parked, then the motor will activate and try to park the blades, but they ain’t moving so you get the sound you are hearing.
I think the switch is in the motor so you may need to buy a new motor.
But then it could be something else. If you can get it to make the sound while in your driveway, just touch one of the blades and you will feel the thumping. BTW, when this switch goes bad, it can activate the motor even when the ignition is in the off position.
thank u that’s good advice and a good idea. it sounds like its coming from tge opposite side of car then where wiper motor is but that doesnt mean its wrong. thank u again! ill
update after i try again.
A broken starter drive can sometimes be as intermittent as that. You will know by looking at the ring gear. It hits it and bounces away. The flex plate may be cracked.
This could also be true but the usual tell tale sign of this is that when you start the engine, you will hear a high pitched whine for a few seconds (or longer) as the starting gear does not immediately pull back.
it does have a whine just like that! thank you! ill take a look!