Tire pressure after 1st night of frost?

also, it can throw the tire out of balance

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And inform/warn the tire guys that you used Fix-A-Flat ! !


… and be sure to tip the guy who has to clean that gunk out of the inside of the tire.


Would that also be true for a riding mower that I used fix a flat in one tire about 6 years ago?

Used slime for a snowblower tire. Old snowblower mushroomed the bolt even after pblaster etc. Maybe 4 years still good, if it aint broke don’t pay big bucks to get it fixed, will deal with it when needed, until then Blow on! Could not get a lock nut on, but if it falls out fine with me.

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Yes it would, if you are talking about fix-a-flat and not slime. I don’t have experience with slime so I could not say about that. I got 4 years on a car before the wheel rim split open. Maybe you got luckier, maybe I had chipped paint from previous tire changes but a lawn tractor doesn’t stress the tires as much as a 66 Dodge wagon, fully loaded on a cross country trip in the middle of winter 40 miles from the nearest town.

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I think I used slime in my wheel barrow tire instead of buying a new wheel. I think it is till ok but if not it will be me with the mess. To tell the truth though I just don’t remember but remember buying the stuff. My mower and blower tires though would go to the tire shop for tubes.

At any rate the principle for tires and cold weather is that cold air is denser than warm air. That’s why it takes more runway in July than January with a prop anyway.

It will drop if you get a cold spell . NEVER use fix a flat . Stuff is worthless and think it can do permanent damage to aluminum wheels . if left in there for any period of time . It will probably also destroy any TPMS sensor that is in the wheel if it is a newer car 2008 plus . For short term use to get you to a tire dealer to fix the leak it might be ok .

Ah … Mmmm … This doesn’t sound right.

What little I know about rubber chemistry says that tires are unaffected by water. If water breaks down tires, what about rain?

I have examined several wheel failures and none have been caused by corrosion. Lots of stress and crack growth, but no corrsion. And again, what about rain?

Yeah, I’m not a fan of Fix-a-Flat, but for other reasons.

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Not a tire expert by any means, but if water has any adverse effect on rubber, water inside the tire seems more problematic than on the outside. Inside, it remains there to deteriorate the rubber 24/7, whether it is raining outside or not. Water inside the tire, seems like it could also lead to rim metal corrosion.

Has anyone here ever encountered the problem of trying to figure out a way to remove water residing in an un-mounted tire? I personally know of lots of ways , none of which work … lol .


lol … Hey! no kidding, I’ve used that method!

Here in Silicon Valley the tech companies are famous for asking potential new hires difficult questions, questions that hardly anybody would know how to answer, just to see how the candidate approaches this sort of thing. Do they start babbling nonsense? Do they refuse to answer? Do they try to appear like they know, but just don’t want to bother with a direct response b/c they say the question seems childish? Any of those responses will get you a big No Hire stamp in your file. Asking how they would get water out of a tire would be a good question.

Or ask them how to get water out of a boot if the instructions are on the heel.

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Or possible reasons why the lettering on that photo of the drill above seems to be mirror reversed?

Bring your old tires inside. It only takes about a teaspoon full for those pesky and disease carrying insects to hatch.

use a wet/dry vac.

@CapriRacer, A dark, warm humid environment does lead to mold, fungus etc and you are telling me that rubber, an organic compound, is not affected by this? The outside of a tire does dry up.

Maybe you have never seen a wheel crack due to corrosion, but I have. One on my car, two on another guys car. The other guy was my father in law. When he bought new tires for one of his cars, the tire salesman told him that if he put a can of fix a flat in each tire, he would never have a flat. Two wheels failed at about the same time, the other two were so rusted that new tires could not be mounted on them.

IIRC in his case, the wheels that failed had rusted holes where mine had cracked along a rust line from a scratch.

A sponge and a couple rags.

I’ve looked at lots and lots of tires and never saw any evidence of little critters munching on the rubber.

And the outside drying up? Isn’t that the opposite a humid environment?

I am struggling to imagine a scratch on a wheel causing so much corrosion that the wheel fails.

Yup, our experiences are quite different.

Yup they are. I am talking about personal experiences and not “I knew a guy who knew a guy…”