So you bring your car to the dealer and

I always said it could pull a mountain if you could hook on to it and get any traction. :laughing:

I would have to take the car as I don’t and will not live live in snow country; :laughing: sorry about the misspelling.

There’s a reason the post-Millennial generation is often called the Digital Native generation. They’ve never known a world without smart phones and cameras recording their every move. Privacy is a very different concept to them.

They’re so used to living their entire lives online, with the potential to become a worldwide viewing target at any moment, that it just kind of doesn’t register with them.

Some of the stuff my niece posts to her social media accounts makes me cringe. Just from an employment perspective, if she ever wants to get a professional job, she’d better hope the hiring department doesn’t online-stalk her first (which they will).

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With all the social media going on is there such a thing as privacy and secrets any more?

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I take it the S on polaris means for snow and without the S means for highway use.

+1 to all of that!
After retiring from the school system, I went back to college (again…) for a Paralegal degree. Needless to say, almost all of the students were young enough to be my children.

One of the bits of advice that was given to them in regard to job hunting was to be sure to use a “neutral” email address when applying for jobs. One of the students said she “just couldn’t believe” that her current email address (HotMamaInCentralNJ… or something to that effect) would be a detriment to hiring.

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Yep. At one of my previous jobs early on in the emergence of social media we got an app from a candidate who had some… Interesting vacation photos on display for anyone to see. Given that she was vying for a reporter position, we knew damn well the viewers would find those photos, so she wasn’t considered.

Another place, we got a resume from someone with an email address something along the lines of “luciouslips” Seriously? Reject pile.

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Similarly, when we received cover letters stating that the applicant saw our “add”, everything went into the reject pile.
If you didn’t know the difference between one of the four basic functions of math and the abbreviation for “advertisement”, then you were not going to get a chance to compose legal documents for us.


I dunno. Kids learn from their elders. I had a middle aged lady show up for an interview for a management position with the book “How to Interview” in full display. She didn’t even hide it. She didn’t interview that well so maybe hadn’t finished the book.


On the other hand, I showed up for jury duty with a John Grisham book. Unintentional, I was in the middle of reading it. But, Not chosen for the jury.

Another incentive for the diy’er.

I never minded it much when it started snowing and blowing. Suddenly our cheap freight trucks were the fastest trucks on the road. We got paid by the mile and I did not even like having to stop for a toll booth.

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I was never crazy about driving in the snow and ice I did it because it was part of the job now with what little we get and with wintertime temps on the average of 30’s to 40’s we start to hibernate that you would call a heat wave { you would probably call it a dusting } I don’t have to go any where

Like wise I got paid by the mile as for toll booths I was glad when they came out easy pass for tolls and pre pass for the scales,