Progressive X Prize

Sure, I’ve heard of oil shale, shale is porous so it absorbs oil. No mystery in that. What nobody has ever managed to explain is how we get from a dried out shallow sea full of rotting dead things to oil a mile down in the ground.

Oil and it’s by-products are light and the gasses formed by decay evaporate easily if left on the surface so you would have to seal the sea suddenly (before decay was complete). Then you have the problem of sinking the whole sea (which is much lighter than the surrounding rock) to a depth of thousands of feet … and go through the same process thousands of times over the earths surface. I just don’t buy it.

You still didn’t explain how the traces of oil got down 15,000 feet.

The idea that oil is produced by micro-organisms in the top 10 miles of the earth’s mantel isn’t my idea. It belongs to Thomas Gold, past head of astrophysics at Cornell U. (Google him under "Thomas Gold astrophysics). He came up with many theories … it’s said of him that, even when he was wrong he was 50% right.
It was mentioned before that the base of his oil theory was borrowed from the Soviet’s.

Gold’s theory just seems more plausible and answers a lot more gaps than the than the “sunken sea of crap” theory.

Gold’s theories have never been accepted by any but a very small number of scientists because the data contradicts his theories. Read more about oil formation here:

and here:
The second link, while greatly simplified for schools, is a good summary.’s-Roads
A link suggested by Lewis Taishoff on the CarTalk links page. Article says car could get 106 MPG on gasoline, and can use many other combustible liquids.