Paris Climate Conference and Cars

I have a feeling that if that oil spill had never happened, but the news media said it did, you would still have no trouble finding shrimpers who are willing to blame it for some skin condition they have.
I take the spin of radical far left extremist news organizations like Mother Jones and Thinkprogress with a huge grain of salt just as I do for the far right news outlets. They are both essentially scare mongers.

I take nothing out of context and that study of a paltry 3000+ earth scientists (?) means nothing.
A petition signed by 30,000+ climate scientists saying global warming is being overblown gets no press…

It’s claimed that 97% of climate scientists believe in the global warming theory. This brings me to a point I’d like to make. My oldest holds 3 degrees (2 advanced) in the climate field, has been to numerous conferences (some as a speaker), and was even offered a job at NCAR. (National Center for Atmospheric Research).

One of the conferences he attended was in San Francisco and there was about 10,000 other climate experts there. My son said that he has yet to meet one person who has ever been polled, surveyed, asked, or whatever about the issue. So that leads to the question:
What are the odds of not meeting one person who subscribes to the theory if 97% allegedly buy into it?

Let me pose this question also. You all have seen the broadcast constantly ad nauseum news blurbs and “documentaries” showing glaciers crumbling; allegedly due to global warming.
So how many of you buy into that?

There’s another point I’ll make in another post that the son brought up to me on the phone one night some weeks back and it concerns this winter.

No these Folks were suffering terribly,these rashes created ulcers on some people,a skin condition is a miserable thing indeed,I believe BP could have been a little more responsible,it was said that the big problem was that they were drilling so deep,a mile deep is hard to work on.