Odd Driving Behaviors

Life has gotten complex and its hard for some to know which buses they can pass and which they can’t. Couple weeks ago we had a semi blow past a stopped school bus with flashing lights and the stop extended. He passed on the shoulder barely missing a girl that was being picked up. Not to pick on the current qualifications of truck drivers but geeze. Noticed in Sioux Falls today a semi carrying beer tipped over in the median. Beer all over. Careful opening the cans. Guess he fell asleep and over-corrected and dumped the whole load. Might have no trouble getting volunteers to pick up the debris.

"its hard for some to know which buses they can pass and which they can’t"

I don’t know about your neck of the woods, Bing, but where I live there is a significant difference between school buses and transit/commuter buses.

The bus in question was white, with the blue, magenta & orange insignias of NJ Transit prominently displayed on the back. In other words, exactly like the thousands of mass transit buses that travel the state’s roads at all hours of the day. Additionally, it had a commercial display ad on the back.

By contrast, our school buses are always yellow, have amber & red flashing lights and a side-mounted extendable stop sign, and they do not display ads.

The driver in question had to be either…
high on drugs…
extremely distracted…
just plain stupid if he could not distinguish between a school bus and a transit/commuter bus.

None of the possible explanations that I can come up with are exactly flattering to him, and all of them make me question his ability to pilot a vehicle safely, but…which explanation would you like to assign to him?

I’d give him the slightly ignorant, overly cautious, hothead label myself. Ignorant because he is not clear of the law. Overly cautious because he’s afraid to pass a bus, and hothead because he engaged you and yelled. So no excuse for him, but sometimes laws are passed without much public information given out and you’d never know unless you were reading the State Register. In MN they passed a law giving metro buses the right of way all the time. So they pull out in front of you regardless having to remind ones self that they now have the right of way and can legally bully other drivers.

One size,doesnt fit all-Kevin