NO THANKS OBD III... Seems I will keep my OBD 1-2 vehicles for a LONG TIME thank you very much

A BIG +1 to wentwest’s comments.
However, I think it is important to add two more points to his list of things to do if you fear anyone knowing anything about you and your whereabouts:

>Turn off the tracking device on your cellphone, even though this will screw-up attempts to reach 911, will cause many of your online searches to be less-than-accurate, and will not allow you to use Waze or any other GPS-based navigation service.
>Don’t buy a car that has OnStar or a similar feature.

I have not read much of this thread because I have misplaced my Tin Foil Hat.

@jtsanders Points Out Correctly That "Congress enacts laws."
That was in our history…

From Orwell:
All animals are equal.”

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

From Obama:
" Congress enacts laws ."
“We can’t wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won’t act, I will.”


“From Obama:
We can’t wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won’t act, I will.”

I assume that you are referring to Executive Orders.
In reality, Obama is going to have to REALLY step up his game if he wants to issue more Executive Orders than Ronnie Ray-Gun and many of his other predecessors.

I am constantly amazed when people comment on something in the belief that it is…new…unique…unprecedented, when in reality it is something that has gone on for a couple of hundred years without ever previously being questioned:

"I am constantly amazed when people comment on something in the belief that it is…new…unique…unprecedented, when in reality it is something that has gone on for a couple of hundred years without ever previously being questioned:"

That’s the old straw man try! I never said or implied what you are attributing to me. An apology would be accepted. I know that executive orders are not new, unique, or unprecedented in this nation’s history. Most would have been supported by congress.

Most executive orders are written for matters that are not in direct opposition of what was decided by congress, where laws are established.This president uses them to go around congress, the very people who were sent to represent them and their constituents, American citizens. He becomes all 3 branches of government from the executive branch.

A very dangerous precedent is being set.

“Most executive orders are written for matters that are not in direct opposition of what was decided by congress, where laws are established”

In order to verify that statement, you would have to be fully knowledgeable about the exact content of every other president’s orders, as well as the existing legislation at the time of the orders.

Please post back with your detailed analysis of all of the Executive Orders issued by all other presidents. Since this will likely take weeks, if not months, of poring through the exact content of those thousands of documents, we will understand if it takes you a while to respond with that detailed analysis.


@“VOLVO V70” We don’t need no stinkin tin foil hat!

What’s That?
Is That The Original DeLorean Prototype Photo?

In a state where both Toyota and Nissan have plants the zealots on the right seem eager to rush off into oblivion waving flags.

The lady apparently thought she could forbid Toyota selling their Hilux to Iranians and Syrians.

Wait a minute, the only one being insulted by @wentwest was me. He called me fat. I’m short but far from fat, more like wiry and my Pontiac is like brand new. And I never said I wanted to avoid everything, just don’t think they should be able to store information on me forever without my permission. But VDC, I’m crushed that I can’t use WAZE whatever that is.

Tell me again about your “like brand new” Pontiac.
I own 4 of them. I sure would like a mint G8, though.

I was wonderin’ who the short fat white guy in the Pontiac was…

hey bing!

but seriously, I saw one of those skeevy looking guys with a set up on the roof of his suv, I didn t know what he was doing, but he looked so fishy, kinda sneaky, that I rode around the block and checked him out again. he wouldn t look at me when I rode by…

he must have had a tag reader up there.

either a repo man or a bounty hunter I guess. looked more like a repo guy…

"either a repo man or a bounty hunter I guess. looked more like a repo guy…"
Nope. IRS. :wink:

Yeah, the tax man cometh. Don’t forget though if you see something say something, or better yet follow him.

Well nothings changed on the Pontiac since new except for mileage. If you want one now though you have to buy a Chevy. I’m just not there yet.

Most executive orders are written for matters that are not in direct opposition of what was decided by congress, where laws are established.This president uses them to go around congress, the very people who were sent to represent them and their constituents, American citizens.

Let’s start with this quote…

“With a hostile Congress that doesn’t show much sign of coming toward us on some of these issues, it behooves us to take the initiative when we can take it.”

Which Paul Ryan and Steve King have WRONGLY equated to Obama…but was actually quoted by Gary L. Bauer in 1987 - Ronald Reagan’s chief domestic policy adviser.

Two BIG Ronald Reagan executive orders that circumvented congress come to mind…one was the Immigration order (amnesty to immigrants)…and the other was the establishment of the NSA.

Those are just TWO.

Hey @Bing, I didn’t call you fat, I said “if you are fat”. That leaves it up to you to decide. I have no idea who you really are or what you look like, and I really do enjoy that.

My point was that while it’s really easy to work yourself into a paranoid, permanently pxxxed off sort of attitude, if you do then the bad guys have won. Mostly I just don’t care if they are monitoring my OBD II data or my use of toll booths or my location through my cell phone. Someone is always trying to sell me something, so what’s the difference? There’s 6 billion of us on this planet, and there just have to be some things we can not do simply because there’s not enough space and food and air and water to go around otherwise.

The IRS is so underfunded I doubt they are out with licence plate readers. The bright side is there is so much data being collected they cannot deal with handling it all.

Where did we take a detour? I do believe the issue was not the fact that we are being tracked which of course we are for a number of reasons. I believe the issue was what is done with the information and how long it can be retained, and for what purposes it can be used. Having license plate reader information in the computer for 30 days pending an investigation is one thing, but storing it for years at the risk of it being hacked is quite another. At least that’s what the Minnesota Legislature determined. Its one thing for Onstar to have information on where a particular car is at any given time, but selling that information is quite another. Same thing with google maps. I also believe that filming someone in the public realm and putting it on youtube is quite different than providing it to the police for an investigation.

The courts and legislatures just have not caught up to the technology, but I will “rock on” as you say. I’m not the one doing anything wrong. I do support the guy shooting down the drone filming his daughter in the back yard though. I’m surprised it took him three shots though. Maybe he had his water fowl plug in the gun.

While it’s not my cup of tea, it seems like many people even here in Calif I talk to like the idea of these massive police road blocks set up to block every single car going down the road. Gives the police a chance to take names and collect some fines for failing to have the paperwork in the car showing a current registration and drivers licenses, not wearing eyeglasses, fines for missing license plate bulbs, etc. I guess being delayed 20 minutes or longer trying to buy some milk for the kid’s breakfast the next AM is an acceptable compromise. Or probably they’ve lived here long enough they know how to avoid them … lol …

I guess what seems to be free isn’t. Google Maps, for example. It costs you your privacy. All sorts of slick electronic things do gather up your information and sell it. That’s how they make money. The whole amazing flow of information you now get from things like Google or Facebook don’t cost you anything in dollars, but those companies are making money by selling your data.