Nissan Frontier overheating mystery

…hi, I didn’t read the whole thing but at first glance he’s asking about the same model year. It’s not off topic - why close?

Carolyn the thread has 140 post and multiple posters . Would it not be better if Ripper had his own thread so the replies would be just for him.

I did all those things as well, mine is a supercharged, they seem to run warm. I actually blew the head gasket eventually. Repaired it, changed everything, water pump, radiator, radiator cap, etc.
ive read many forums, this guy had the same issue, he ended up selling it :frowning:
I cant sell it, im too deep into it, anyway, after i fixed the head gasket, it would get warm when idling and with the ac, rev it up a little, and it would go down, or turn off the ac. im in california so its warm, that sucked. I changed the fan clutch, did all the diy tests and the old one seemed fine, changed it anyway and made a difference in sounds like a semi now, tells me i really needed it. Then begin to overheat uphills, turns out my radiator was for a non-supercharged model, replaced it, and then for the hell of it, replaced the ac condenser. Apparently the supercharged has a little larger radiator. No more over heating, problem solved. This was right after summer, so i have a feelling this summer, it may over heat when idling with the AC only. Hopefully not while driving. Current issue is P0128, now its saying its not running hot enough, need to smog soon. Looking into thermostats, going to try the oem spec one for 170 degree, if the code comes back, ill bump it to the 192. Btw, when it was over heating and i replaced the thermostat the previous time, i never did check to see what termperature thermostat that was, and i was having knocking issues. When head gasket went out, i replaced everything, from hoses, to valve seals. bottom end was untouched. let me know if this helps

What coolant temp does scan tool say engine is running at? Seems unlikely new radiator could explain below-temp operation. If radiator is extra good at cooling, thermostat should compensate by routing less coolant into radiator.

You have posted to a 10 year old thread with several people on it who have not posted in 4 years.

You have posted nothing but complaint to this thread, if you are not interested in the topic, move on.


Are you currently using an OEM thermostat?
Aftermarket quality isn’t worth the risk for an inexpensive yet essential part like this.

Just curious, what is your Frontier’s model year @eliasfajr_184404 ? I thought 170 degree engine thermostats went out of favor in the 70’s with that era’s new emissions regulations. My early 70’s Ford truck uses a 190 deg thermostat. My Corolla uses a 185 degree I think.

For some makes, it was earlier than that. When Ford began specifying extended (6k miles) oil changes in 1965, they changed over to 195 degree thermostats because higher engine running temps helped to evaporate condensation from the oil. I recall changing the thermostat on my father’s '66 Ford Galaxie 500 (289 V-8), and it was a 195 degree thermo.

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