List of ways in which cars are made cheaply or to wear after so much time or use

Were they not testing OBD1 vehicles during the pandemic or something?

Deleted, I re-read the thread, I misunderstood it and now, I bow my head in shame

About 20,000 vehicles of all makes and models over the years
 yes, that’s called “statistics”.
If I see one Toyota a year (out of about 1,000) and 100 audis, considering how many Toyotas are on the road vs audis
 PLUS the number of independent issues at one point in time. I guess it’s conclusive.

If you’re a shop that works on European cars, you’re going to see a lot of them because most other shops won’t.

I was NOT a shop. I thought I mentioned once of twice that did mechanical inspections. I worked for virtually every single aftermarket extended warranty company and some manufacturers (Toyota and Honda among the latter) so vehicles I dealt with were completely random with Toyota should’ve been represented more than most others and yet I saw maybe - MAYBE - one a year.

Now that the other truck seems to be running OK, I will have two fullsize trucks on hand now. Basically having the older one is also nice if you need to move firewood and don’t want to load/unload it all at once. It can sit there for a while. This is also nice for hay in the winter and to haul scrap in. You can load your junk as you have time/feel like it and just wait for a slow day to take it in or combine it with some other task that requires a truck after it is emptied. It is good to be back in this position so I don’t have to juggle them between the shop. For a while I was driving one in and taking the other home.

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That’s actually the problem. The Covid risks incurred w/ OBD I emissions testing methods has been discussed at length here already. Use the forum search feature if interested.

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I still see people driving with a mask on, scared they will die. To quote Phil Robertson or whatever his name is, you are gonna die. It’s a fact of life.

Yep we are all going that way no mater what we do to try to do to prevent it.

And have you noticed that the mask generally only covers their mouth, no concern or thought that they would be breathing in the germs through their nose

As the Door’s singer Jim Morrison said , “No one here gets out alive”.

I’d be careful about being so nonchalant about covid . . .

I know several people who died of it and their deaths were absolutely miserable

Sure, no one’s getting out of here alive and everyone’s going sooner or later

But I think it would be nicer that it be later and peacefully in your sleep, versus earlier, suffering and hooked up to machines to do your breathing for you


Folks I see have their mask on correctly. Folks with respiratory problems are right to fear RSV/covid/flu. “I’m gonna die anyway” is no reason to die early.


It’s even worse with automotive safety. I say, it’s rather unsafe to be driving a 2400 pound compact car from the early 90s. At least get something around 3000 pounds with a stronger crash structure for a daily driver.

The response: You know, you could hit a semi head on so it isn’t going to make a difference what car you have.

I don’t even argue at this point. The 2400 pounder is the right car for them.

My philosophy is - Eat right and exercise and you’ll die healthy. Both my parents died from smoking related illnesses. Not a great way to go. I had a few aunts that were morbidly obese - that their last 15-20 years of life was just surviving. They couldn’t go visit their grandkids (like other grandparents). They had to have people do their grocery shopping, and cleaning. Barely left the house (mainly for doctor visits). That’s NOT living. That’s just surviving.


Ironic :wink:
(I get what you mean)

My intention is not to make a good looking corpse. I want to get to the grave skidding in sideways, all used up and saying “that was a h3ll of a ride!”

Back in the 70s IIRC, there was a cola commercial (not naming names) that left an impression on me to this day. Here’s how I recall it, you will get the gist- Two really old dudes sitting on a park bench watching the younger people walk by. The one guy reminisces- “Remember that time the those stewardesses invited us to travel with them?” The second guy says “Yeah!” and the first guy adds- “We should have went”


My Oncologist has cautioned me to always wear an N95 mask when I am in a store or other enclosed place, due to my compromised immune system. However, once I get back to my vehicle, I take it off and hang it on the mirror.


I never understood why people driving in a car by themselves wear a mask. Or people out walking their dog alone wear a mask.

I think some people don’t want to be recognized as easily. It seem like most of the pan handlers were wearing masks during the pandemic.

From 2020 to 2022, you could literally walk into any business wearing a full face covering, and no one would bat an eye. And yet every single day, the evening news showed people wanted for robbing banks, gas stations, and other businesses here with their face completely exposed to the cameras. I had assumed that the COVID pandemic would be a boon to criminals looking to shield their identity and reduce the chance of being caught, but most were too foolish to take that rudimentary step!