Left Lane


In EVERY state it’s illegal to exceed the speed limit, and very dangerous to everyone on the road.

Well, you’re half right. There are no conclusive studies that show a direct causal relationship between speed (and speed alone) and wrecks. There are correlative statistics which show quite the opposite - namely there are fewer vehicle deaths per mile on the Autobahn than on US interstates. If speed kills, the Germans should be dropping like flies.

And even though you’re right about speed limits, just because you’re doing the speed limit does not mean that you get to play traffic cop and sit in the left lane pissing off everyone behind you. That in itself creates a dangerous situation as the people behind you who want to speed get angrier and angrier. Angry drivers are less safe than calm drivers.


Three cheers for the NJ State Police!

I recognize the place where this apparently took place, on I-80.
Now, if only more police officers would throw a scare (or an actual ticket) at those who just noodle along in the left lane, the roads would flow more freely and we would have fewer frustrated drivers who simply want to use the left lane for its intended purpose–to pass other cars.

Yesterday ;

Caught up to a car, following a semi, passing a semi.
Now I know semis, gain some speed down hill , lose a little up etc. A veritable turtle race, just back off and wait patiently until the one passes the other then away we go.
right ?
right ? now that the semi has passed and changed lanes the lane is open, wide open…75 mph open and it’s obviously you turn to go car…
go car…GO CAR !

NOT BRAKE LIGHTS ! I’m not tailgating you …( this Expedition takes up a lot of mirror to a little car )…YOU’RE NOT GOING…sandbagging I called it in my other post, and here’s a prime example.

All you needed to do was push on the gas and continue down the hiway and you would not see me on your rear.
– at all –
just go
and the six cars behind you ( Oh my god , you mean I have to actually LOOK in my rear view mirrors ) would all disperse on our merry way.

But brake lights at 75 mph ? Now THAT’S careless driving.

Then to top it off, she blatently stomps the brakes two more times and defiantly slows to match the semi beside her. It’s not me that’s honking lady but pick any of the other five cars back there and show THEM that finger.
Here’s where the citation needs to go to the car in front.

A few thoughts…

I’m a generally patient fellow, but if you are in the left lane, you have better be passing. You don’t have to go 20 MPH faster than they guy on the right, but let’s get the pass done in a minute or less - please? The longer it takes - the more we boil over and start thinking of alternate ways to get around you.

On of my pet peeves is two big rigs matching each others speed on hilly roads. One will speed up a little, then the other. Nuts! I assume the one that just had to “pass” is running into a stupid speed governor, making it impossible for them to get by on the downhill section. Those things should be made illegal - governors are safety hazards and lead people to do crazy things such as pass the trucks on exit/entrance ramps when this happens. And yes, I’ve even done that myself - once after 15 miles of this I just could no longer stand it any more.