ICE vs EV: fill up cost comparison

Nice win by SC over Florida and our old coach, btw. Maybe SC will go on a win streak after that game. We don’t play SC this year, so I’d be good with a win streak for them!

Man. We just can’t unite on anything these days :wink:


Might could win this weekend against Mizzou. Next week is much tougher with Auburn. I don’t have anything against Mississippi State, or any SEC West team not named Alabama. I’m sure you understand.

Understand completely. No need for us middle of the pack teams to dislike one another.

Unless it’s Ole Miss…

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Must be where you live…NOT in the Boston area (or any where else I’ve driven in the US). Average speed limit is over 75 on most highways…doesn’t matter if the posted speed limit is 55 or 65.

Sounds like your highway patrol needs to step up. No reason to have a speed limit posted if it doesn’t reduce speed.

I’s not just here. I suggest you drive other cities.

Right. I’ve never been to Atlanta or Memphis or Nashville or Birmingham…

Yes, everyone speeds there. They do generally go a little slower in zones with a lower posted speed limit.

In the vast highway system between larger cities, the majority of people are more apt to drive within 10 mph of the posted limit. Or else they eventually get pulled over and get a speeding ticket. That’s how it works.

I suggest you drive outside of Boston.

There are also laws against driving slow in the left lane. Highway Patrol response, pass on the right.

It’s the city of Philadelphia, and the police can no longer perform traffic stops for routine equipment violations.

The difference is that the Black guy with large wheels has not been intentionally trained by his employer to fear everyone, and to shoot whatever scares him.

The other difference is that the Black guy isn’t going to flip on flashy lights and make the officer stop and interact with him.

So the problem is not that X-person, regardless of race or occupation, is a potential criminal. It’s that we give cops the authority to force citizens to interact with them, we tell those cops that the citizens they’re interacting with are just itching for a chance to kill cops, and then we give cops firearms.

Telling cops not to pull people over for minor equipment violations is an attempt to remove one of the legs of that particular deadly tripod, at least until we can remove the truly problematic one, where cops are conditioned to be violently afraid of the people they’re supposed to be protecting.


I know this will never happen but, if there was a way to have cops and communities across the country sit down and have a calm discussion on what happens at a traffic stop. and how both sides feel. maybe it could be a first step to make a difference.


Yeah, and SC has Clemson in a few weeks. Not SEC, but still a huge state rivalry.

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Clemson is not that impressive this year, so you should have a shot.

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You stated last night that their parents tell them “how not to get shot by the cops”. If that’s true, then I’d say they would be trained to fear the cops.

Yes, the police will inevitably have to interact with the public. Some people that cops interact with are in fact itching to kill them, or at least totally ok with killing them in order to not go to jail. The difficulty for the cops is trying to determine who those particular citizens are before they get killed. If a cop pulls someone over, there’s obviously a potential danger for the cop. They’d have to be bulletproof or stupid to have zero fear.

I understand the supposed theory behind limiting traffic stops. I think it’s just going to lead to increased crime (more guns on the street, more drugs, and more dui accidents, etc) that are often curtailed by way of routine traffic stops for minor infractions. Decreased patrols or stops, less interaction of the police with the public, increased crime.

We can get along, work with, be best friends with, admire, regardless of race. Two things: we have to get to the point were we can also criticize whomever equally regardless of race. And we have to diminish those who capitalize on (or look for) there being disagreements (real or not) regarding race. We would have gotten to where we need to be about now if not for those who act like they want there to be a greater problem than there is. In other words, this conflict is perpetuated by the unnecessary lifting of it.

The EV discussion and debate is worthy. Eventually, something will dominate over gasoline. Maybe it will be electric. I’m less looking forward to driverless vehicles.

Clemson is nowhere to be found. Winning seems to be harder for all the good teams this year.

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Well then it’s a good thing their parents aren’t going the Bulletproof Warrior route the cops take, isn’t it? The Black cop talk involves “be polite, do what you’re told, don’t make any sudden moves, and hopefully the cop won’t decide you’re a violent criminal and shoot you.” The cop citizen talk involves “be scared of everyone, and if you’re scared of someone and they twitch, shoot them.”

Good, then they shouldn’t be pulling people over unless it’s really necessary.

Fortunately, in this country we have a constitution that says cops need to actually have a reason to suspect you of a crime before they detain you to investigate it. It’ll be a very good day indeed when we remember what that constitution says, and start enforcing it. A burned out tail light is not reasonable suspicion that the guy’s got meth or a gun, and it should not be treated as such.

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Again…that’s where you live. Because of my work I’ve traveled and driven extensively in many parts of this country. 10+ over is NOT the rule. You keep making all these ASSUMPTIONS. They are just plain wrong.

The NJ State Police do seem to be more interested in getting Left Lane Bandits to move over, rather than stopping speeders, and that is fine with me.
(Caution: Mute your speakers unless you want to hear some obscenities)

I wish they’d do there in MA and NH. NH was the last state to pass a law (about 10 years ago) saying you drive on the right and pass on the left. But it’s never enforced. On a 6-lane divided highway you can travel faster in the right lane then the left. People get on the highway and move to the left and stay there. Now everyone has to maneuver around them. Then about 1000 feet from their exit they decide to cross 2 lanes. Sometimes they look, and sometimes they don’t before they cross.