How fast do you drive?


Good for you! You stick to your guns and go 15 to 20 mph slower than everyone else. When you get rear ended or shot at least you can say you weren’t speeding! Being technically in the right is the most important thing after all. Everyone will see you as the shining example to follow and slow down to your speed…

Regarding it being wasteful, personally, I weight surviving well ahead of saving $2 in gas…even so I’m with the rest doing 80. These expressways I’m driving on were actually designed for these speeds. 65 is crawling…


He’s not going 15-20mph slower than everyone else

This is a cut and paste from one of his recent postings

“Last week I was tooling down the interstate in a 34k lbs bucket truck with 4 wheel drum air brakes, Foot to the floor trying to keep up I was going 90mph.”

If it comes down to it, and everybody has to slam on the brakes, guess who’s the most likely to rearend somebody, because he needs far more distance to come to a stop . . . ?

Would you like to get rearended by that bucket truck?



Db, The post I made was sarcastic, The whole post was a farce, I was trying to be over the top to try to make light of how silly some peoples logic is.

I would never drive that fast in any company vehicle, I promise you that. I actually go 60-65mph in the class 8 bucket truck at most, When its really windy I go 55mph even though the speed limit is 70mph on interstate highways in Indiana.

I was just trying to show that its not always safer to go with the flow, especially in a real truck. According to some people if everyone is going 100mph, I should also, which is non sense.

I also don’t shoplift, never have. Speeding and shoplifting are both against the law, some people say speeding is ok because it doesn’t hurt anyone (it does) and you are not likely to get caught. The same can be said about shoplifting, so does that mean we all should shoplift? After all, alot of people do shoplift, so its ok?

I don’t understand why self proclaimed law abiding citizens feel it is ok pick and choose what laws they obey.


I know that on my commute if I drive the speed limit when everyone else is going 75...I'm far more likely to get in an accident.

Is EVERYONE going 75mph? Are school buses going 75mph? Semis? Everyone?

What if everyone was going 90mph? Would you go 90?

100? 120?

At what point do you think for yourself and not follow “everyone”?

If everyone jumped off of a cliff would you?

You are wanting to speed and when people have their mind set to do something, they will rationalize it somehow.


Good for you! You stick to your guns and go 15 to 20 mph slower than everyone else. When you get rear ended or shot at least you can say you weren't speeding! Being technically in the right is the most important thing after all. Everyone will see you as the shining example to follow and slow down to your speed...

So im going down the interstate, the speed limit is 70mph, and I am going 70mph, and someone is going to shoot me? Would that be justifiable in your mind, to get shot because I was obeying the law? I hope you don’t own any firearms, If you do I beg you to hand them over to a responsible adult and get professional help. There is no shame in admitting you have a problem.

Do semis, school buses and big trucks all go 80-90mph where you live? You said “everyone” is speeding.


Since I’m not able to see you, I thought you were being serious

Like lemmings, many people tend to do what everybody else does, even if it is jumping off a cliff


I agree completely.

Everybody does it is the golden excuse.

The Golden Rationalization, or “Everybody does it”

This rationalization has been used to excuse misconduct since the beginning of civilization. It is based on the flawed assumption that the ethical nature of an act is somehow improved by the number of people who do it, and if “everybody does it,” then it is all right for you to do it as well: cheat on tests, commit adultery, lie under oath, use illegal drugs, speed, drink and drive, cheat on taxes ect…

If someone really is making the argument that an action is no longer illegal,unethical or wrong because so many people do it, then that person is either in dire need of ethical instruction, or an idiot.


I’m afraid your argument is coming off the tracks if you having to justify your point of driving well below the prevailing speeds with comparing keeping up with traffic with adultery or tax evasion. The only point that some people, myself included are making is that its more dangerous to be the guy going 20 MPH slower or faster than the prevailing traffic. If you can rationally dispute that without resorting to sensationalism, then your argument will merit.

For example in your instance, if you’re driving a class 8 truck, you could say that the vehicle you’re driving simply wasn’t built to cruise a 85 MPH safely, so in you keep to the speed limit because it’s more risky to push that rig to an unstable 85 MPH than it is to keep it under control at a slower speed. That’s a reasonable and rational reason for not keeping up with the flow of traffic.


The speed limit here in indiana is 65mph for trucks, 70mph for cars. If it is risky to go the speed limit, its only because so many people are choosing to ignore it.

Citizenship requires obeying the law, but a lot of people convince themselves that that laws are voluntary, and that it is somehow ethical to violate “bad” ones, defined as those that are inconvenient, burdensome, or that stop you from doing what you want to do. Laws embody the ethical values of society, and if one of them seems wrong to you, you are nonetheless obligated to follow it as part of the social contract. To do otherwise is unethical.

Your options are limited: write and speak in opposition to the law in hopes of changing the societal consensus, work within the system and with others to change the law; find a legal and ethical way around it; or violate it openly as a matter of conscience, and accept the penalty—civil disobedience.

It isn’t ethical to violate what you think is a bad law while it is still a law, because this creates an obvious breach of the Rule of Universality: if everyone followed that course, we would have chaos and anarchy.

Is EVERYONE going 75mph? Are school buses going 75mph? Semis? Everyone?

I didn’t say EVERYONE did I? Look at my previous post.

Not EVERYONE is doing 75…but a VAST MAJORITY.

Are school buses going 75mph?
- Never see them during normal commute time.

75+. Those are the ones I’m MOST afraid of on I-93 and I-495 if you drive under the prevailing speed. They aren’t allowed in the Left lane so they’ll weave in and out of the right most lanes getting around the few commuters doing 65 or less. That’s were I’ve see the most accidents from people driving at different speeds.

If everyone jumped off of a cliff would you?

HUH??? Lack of logic again? You keep suffering from that.

You are wanting to speed and when people have their mind set to do something, they will rationalize it somehow.

Again - you try to THINK your way through someones statements and keep coming up with the WRONG conclusion. That Genius level IQ keeps failing you.


I didn't say EVERYONE did I? Look at my previous post.

You said.

I know that on my commute if I drive the speed limit when everyone else is going 75...I'm far more likely to get in an accident.

If the semis on your roads are going 75mph plus there needs to be something done about that. It is not safe to drive 80k lbs down the highway at 75mph.

Many of the large carriers govern their trucks at 62mph for fuel economy, some are governed at 65mph. I find it hard to believe that most of the semi trucks are barreling down the highway at 75+mph. Thats not the case here in Indiana.

Again - you try to THINK your way through someones statements and keep coming up with the WRONG conclusion. That Genius level IQ keeps failing you.

Im a stupid redneck from Indiana, I don’t know a whole lot. I never have claimed to be a genius, the only thing I have ever claimed to do is to obey the law, something you seem to have a hard time doing.

I always drive a little faster than the slowest cars on the road and slower than the fastest cars. I’ve never received a traffic ticket but I’ve seen others around me get them.


I repeat.

Citizenship requires obeying the law, but a lot of people convince themselves that that laws are voluntary, and that it is somehow ethical to violate “bad” ones, defined as those that are inconvenient, burdensome, or that stop you from doing what you want to do. Laws embody the ethical values of society, and if one of them seems wrong to you, you are nonetheless obligated to follow it as part of the social contract. To do otherwise is unethical.

Your options are limited: write and speak in opposition to the law in hopes of changing the societal consensus, work within the system and with others to change the law; find a legal and ethical way around it; or violate it openly as a matter of conscience, and accept the penalty—civil disobedience.

It isn’t ethical to violate what you think is a bad law while it is still a law, because this creates an obvious breach of the Rule of Universality, if everyone followed that course, we would have chaos and anarchy.

If the semis on your roads are going 75mph plus there needs to be something done about that. It is not safe to drive 80k lbs down the highway at 75mph.

I AGREE…But it’s NOT. Haven’t been since I’ve lived in New England. In fact in all my years of commuting in the Boston area I’ve NEVER EVER seen a cop pull someone over for speeding (or anything for that matter) for the traffic that’s heading towards Boston. You can usually see cops in the opposite direction.

Many of the large carriers govern their trucks at 62mph for fuel economy, some are governed at 65mph.

You’re probably right on that. I’ve never seen a truck from UPS or Wallmart doing that. Just the independents…or some small trucking company I never heard of.

@wheresrick - Good THEORY. Tell that to everyone else so can drive I-93 and I-495 doing 65 without getting killed.


If everybody followed your sentiment, then we would still be living under the crown.

“Laws embody the ethical values of society, and if one of them seems wrong to you, you are nonetheless obligated to follow it as part of the social contract. To do otherwise is unethical.”

In that case I suggest that you not do any of the following: Play cards , stand at a bar, or take a bath between the months of October and March, because in Indiana all those things are technically illegal. By your own convictions if you have taken a shower at any point in the last few months, you’re doing something unethical, and seemingly hypocritical as well.

Maybe UPS and Walmart trucks are governed at 65 mph. But that doesn’t keep them from going 65 mph in a 55 zone around here. These guys can still speed .

Youall want to set your cruise on 95 ? Come out here in the wide open western states where you can see 50 miles in all directions. Except Arizona where they have dedicated hiway patrol. Otherwise it’s a safe bet that you can safely cruise about 86 or so and no one is in your way nor are you in anybody’s way either. It’s a smooth cruise. The naturally slower semis are spaced a nice distance and the roads are long and straight.

When I get back east it’s near impossible to get much more than their speed limit due to both traffic quantity and roadway shape and condition.


Showers are still legal between the months of October and March, its the baths that are illegal. It has something to do with the spas in french lick. I make sure I don’t get in the bath tub unless its permitted.


So this begs the question; Do you think that the millions of Hoosiers who do take baths between the months of October and March should be arrested and dragged before a judge. Or do you think it’s possible there are some laws that are best dealt with when the people decide what’s in their best interest?