Here is the solution in terms of dimensionless measurements. Let f be the fraction of the horizontal cylinderical tank’s inner volume that is occupied by fuel. Let x be the fraction of the diameter of the tank that the top level of the fuel is from bottom of the tank. (So x would be the fraction of the 20 inches on the measuring stick that the fuel reaches, neglecting meniscus and capillary wetting effects on the wooden stick.) The relationship between x and f when solved for f in terms of x is easily obtained from doing a little integral calculus. It is:
f = 1/2 - (1/[pi])(arcsin(1-2x) + 2*(1-2*x)sqrt(x(1-x))).
Note that this equation possesses the correct up-down symmetry for the problem by being invariant under the transformation: x --> 1-x and f --> 1-f.
But the problem Rich asked about actually entails inverting this functional relationship to give x in terms of f rather than f in terms of x because he want to know where on the stick to place his graduation marks. This is a tougher problem as the equation is trancendental and not explicitly algebraically solvable as a closed form formula for x in terms of f. But the equation can be written in an implicit form that is easily iterated by fixed-point iteration that converges to the correct value of x. The equation is convertable to this iteratible fixed-point version:
x = sin^2([pi]f/2 + (1-2x)sqrt(x(1-x)))
To find the correct value for x for a given value of f we start with a starting guess/approximation of x_0 = f for whatever f-value we want the corresponding x-value for. Then we then iterate on the fixed point equation:
x_(n+1) = sin^2([pi]f/2 + (1-2x_n)sqrt(x_n(1-x_n)))
to get the next x-value. We then increment our iteration count n : n --> n+1 and iterate again and again until our values for x_n don’t differ from x_(n+1) by any significant amount. The last x-value we get when we quit iterating is our calculated value for x.
In the special case that Rich asked about he specifically wanted to find the height on the stick for when the tank was 1/4 full (and also 3/4 full). This means we set f = 1/4 and therefore iterate on:
x_(n+1) = sin^2([pi]/8 + (1-2*x_n)sqrt(x_n(1-x_n)))
This iteration converges to x = 0.29801362335 (according to my TI-30 solar calculator). Since Rich said that his tank’s diameter is 20 inches we multiply this x-value by that 20 inch diameter (D = 20 in) to get the height, h on the stick, i.e. h = x*D. The result is h = 5.9602724670 inches. By symmetery the x for the 3/4 full mark is 1-x using the 1/4 full x-value (i.e. the 3/4 full x-value is x = 0.70198637665 = 1 - 0.29801362335) and, thus, the h-value for the 3/4 full mark is (20 - 5.9602724670) in = 14.039727533 in up from the bottom of the stick. So placing the 1/4 and 3/4 full marks at 5.96 in and 14.04 in respectively ought to be plenty accurate enough for Rich’s purposes.
But I think Rich mentioned that his stick was wooden. Now I expect that if the stick was made of unfinished wood the low surface tension of the diesel fuel would wet the wood on the stick to such an extent that capillary action along the grain of the wood’s fibers would lift the fuel along the stick a bit and cause the stick to give a falsely fuller reading for the fuel’s level in the tank. So, to prevent this possibility from happening I would recommend that Rich paint his measuring stick with a good epoxy paint that is impervious to diesel fuel. This would cause the stick to read the actual height of fuel in the tank.
Another improvement that Rich could make is to round out or sharpen the bottom of his measuring stick with a radius of curvature no greater than 10 inches. This would allow the stick to properly seat itself on the bottom of the tank and not ride higher up due to the concave curved bottom surface of the tank touching a horizontally flattened stick bottom.
Also, another correction that could be made is for Rich to calculate the Archimedean level increase of the fuel in the tank that takes place because the presence of the stick displaces an amount of fuel equal to the submerged portion of the stick. But I can’t calculate that correction ahead of time until I know more of the dimensions of the problem. In particular, to make this last correction we need to know the inner horizontal length of the cylinderical fuel tank, and we need to know the horizontal cross-sectional area of the stick as it is placed vertically into the tank, and (as mentioned before) we need to know a bit more about the shape of the bottom of the stick as it contacts the curved bottom of the tank. But if the tank is sufficiently big and the cross section of the stick is sufficiently small we can expect that this latter correction would be insignificant for any practical purpose that Rich may have.