Help Cold Starting a Diesel NO CORDS

I used to put a gallon or two of kerosene in and then fill the tank with diesel fuel in the Winter when I had a Rabbit diesel many years age, to keep the fuel from getting thick at low temps. The only other thought I have is that the glow plugs might not be getting hot enough anymore if they are that well used. Electric elements do sometimes seem to become less efficient over time with lots of use. I’m just throwing that in as a thought; it could be completely useless.

texases "Much harder to heat something up when the wind’s blowing, don’t you think? "

I agree, Yes …it has no affect on cooling inanimate objects to below the ambient temperature. It would affect heating the object above that temperature though; you are right. Of course it’s harder on the operator, if nothing starts when left out in the cold, and then that animate object feels it walking home.

Otherwise, I think we are over thinking this thing. 5w-40 synthetic oil motor oil, make sure glow plugs are working properly, extra winter additives, batteries are at full charge. I have NEVER had a problem starting any of my diesel tractors at near zero temps if all this was in place. The big key is, without a heater, not letting them sit too long. If you have a real cold snap, run them daily.
Good thoughts “wentwest”.

“The big key is, without a heater, not letting them sit too long. If you have a real cold snap, run them daily.”

I am not sure exactly what you are suggesting so if I mis understood you, sorry.

Once a car reaches the same temperature as the outside air temperature, it makes no difference how long it is cold.  A car that has reached say -30º  just now is no better or worse than one that has been at that temperature for the last week.

It depends upon how long it takes all the critical elements of a car to reach -30 degrees. I have no doubt what you say for a car in general for time greater then a day, but the battery is an exception and the longer the ambient temp stays at -30, the less power it has to turn the car over as it gradually cools down. Remember too, if you drive the car the previous day hopefully you won’t be finishing driving it 24 hours from the next start and the battery warmed and fully charged.

I made sure that the car I would depend on the next day, I drove in the late afternoon so it sat 8 to 12 hrs max in really cold weather. Notice too, I mean drive when I say run, and not just idle. Keeping the battery charged is critical, especially if you are no where near an outlet and charger. That’s why I recomended a jumper battery be kept in the house as well earlier. But then, I’ve been starting cars in sub zero weather for only forty five years plus years. So what the heck do I know.

Never use ether/starting fluid to start a cold diesel engine.


When I drove tractor-trailer we had some Ford tractors with Cummings engines that had ether injection with a push button injector button on the dash. You got a measured shot of ether when you pushed the button, you only got one shot no matter how long you held the button down.

Just curious, but at 220,000 miles could there be a low compression problem?

I know in theory a diesel should be in decent shape at that mileage but in practice it may not be the case.

If you have decent glow plugs, it should start. I’d recommend synthetic oil and an additive like others have said. If these don’t do it, then there may be an aftermarket battery or fuel powered block heater that can be used. You’re not going to get far with a battery, power inverter, and hair dryer. Not only will you need an enormous battery and inverter to even get the thing to run, but there’s the complication of actually using it and having to keep the battery charged, plus where to put it.

Maybe for the cost of any mods you could find some sheltered parking? It wouldn’t necessarily have to be heated, just out of the weather and crosswinds.

OLDTIMER SAID IT…theres the ether inject I was talking about…will help any Diesel start in the cold…a measured shot of Ether…they made those systems for a reason…but that was long ago no?

Wind makes very little difference to a car once it cools down. Two identical cars both parked at the same time, one outside in the wind and the other in an un-heated garage will start just the same.

Wind chill only applies to warm bodies, like your face or a warm car sitting out over night. However once the car gets cooled off, there is no more wind chill effect.

Do these have hydraulic tappets? I know old Benz diesels have problems when their valves need adjustment.

And I wonder (as have others) if a new set of glow plugs might not help, given the miles.

To Hondas Black bird- yes late 70s early 80s. That trucking ZCompany went out of business in 83. 31 of the 32 trucking companies went out of business. What a wonderful idea deregulation was. Instead of the Knights of the Road you used to have, you now have the yahoos that live in truckstops.