Thanks all. Just in a financial bind, hence my trying to figure this out as economically as possible. I will definitely give a look at the sway bar, and it also sounds like the parts I questioned are probably okay. I will update if/when I find more.
To anyone still interested, I’ve attached a recording of the sound my front end is making. Aside from the expected knocks and such, this one sounds pretty strange to me. Can anyone tell the problem by the sound?
Yup, we’re still interested and still want to help. I unfortunately was unable to determine anything from the link. I’m afraid you’ll have to get under it.
As I mentioned earlier, BE SAFE. I’d hate to lose a new acquaintance due to getting crushed.
Thanks for listening TSM. Did the link at least work? It’s a very odd sound, almost sounds like a plastic rattle to me. Agree I have to get it up and play around, just thought the sound was so unusual someone might be able to pinpoint the issue from it.
The link worked, but it’s impossible to tell which of the noises you refer to.
I’m not trying to be hard on your abilities. I wouldn’t even know how to get my phone to record.
1st. it sounds like you brushed your phone on something as you started the recording.
2nd. it sounds like you are shifting too.
3rd. 6 seconds is not enough time to pinpoint a particular sound.
I suggest that you use a little tape to hold the phone in place. Have it ready to record with the touch of one button. Then give us a recording without all the other noises. Preferably longer.
I was able to hear the link, but was unable to determine anything.
It was a pain to get a recording that captured it without all the rushing wind, engine, etc. I also had to convert from the phone filetype to one I could upload. It’s around the 4 second mark, however I’ll try and get a better recording.