Explain to me, the concept of "wheel performance." What is it?

I still disagree with the use of a verb to describe a wheel, but it isn’t so important that I can’t live with it.

It does bother me, however, that the marketing types continually butcher the language to where kids today don’t know which end is up. In this case, it seems to me to be almost fraud to claim that a wheel “performs” better than another. It gives the wheel attributes that it doesn’t deserve.

And it robs kids of being able to understand the real reason why a wheel might be better, if it actually is. Tell me that a wheel is lighter and why that’s better, tell me that a wheel flexes less and why that’s better, even tell me that the wheel’s mass is closer to the rotating axis and why that’s better, but telling me it “performs” better tells me nothing. A kid will learn nothing if only told that a wheel “performs” better except to learn improper use of verbs. The term is meaningless used that way.

Just an opinion. Not an important point.