Car Talk Web Site Update

Hi. Looks like two separate questions: will puzzler answers be posted, and is FB required to post comments on blog entries? I couldn’t access the site a few hours ago. Will try again to confirm later tonight.

Hi Folks,

Just jumping in here for a sec to answer a few questions.

Puzzler answers are coming. The answer template wasn’t in the first round of migrations to responsive design. It’ll be coming later this week. An obvious oversight on our part.

We did drop Disqus for commenting. Cost was one factor, and we also generally felt like, although some folks did comment (and thank you!) participation was very low overall. So, we want to try Facebook commenting, which has high levels of participation and no cost. Our focus is on making engagement as easy as possible for as many as possible visitors. Because comments were part of Disqus, they could not make the migration.

Over the course of the month, we’ll continue to knock out bugs here. Stay tuned, and thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it!


I just saw the log in page. Two boxes for Facebook and what ever the other was or the normal login boxes below. Good grief what is so hard about that?

Hi Doug. I just got the word about the show being retired in my radio market, Cooperstown, NY, and as a 30-some year die hard listener I’ve always wondered how I can find and listen to the last live show from several years ago. It came and went so seamlessly and without fanfare it slipped by, and I feel like I missed a little something by not knowing it was the last show. Is there any way I can get that information?

Big thanks! Dave

Possibly on the internet. Try a search.