CA City Bans new gas stations

Exactly. Though my wife’s car is equipped with start/stop technology, so I guess she can hold her head up high and say she’s not emitting as much CO2 as the next car!


Yeah, I don’t know that I agree with the $1k beater idea. That’s a little extreme. I agree that you don’t have to buy a brand new car just because you need transportation, though. Maybe an $8k beater is more realistic. If you do buy a brand new car, you probably shouldn’t get the optioned out Tahoe if you make $35k a year and rent a house trailer :laughing:. I’ve actually seen that, BTW! A brand new (at the time) H2 at the trailer park. Probably not the best financial decision, but none of my business.

I also agree with getting out of debt completely. Maybe I just agree with that part because I hate making payments. I don’t like to owe anyone anything!


I don’t know anyone who has that feature nor have I ever driven one do you have to keep your foot on the brake the whole time or can you do as I do put it in neutral while waiting?

You drive a manual, though, right? I’m not sure if they put stop/start on anything with a manual trans. I’d be curious to know if they do.

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just stop like normal. the engine shuts off. press the gas and it starts and you go. I had it in a rental and hated it. some vehicles you can shut it off. i would think the starter would wear out faster.

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I am also curious maybe some one here knows and can enlighten us.

Also the battery and alternator.

You drive a manual, though, right?.

Yes I do drive a manual.

I rarely drive this car, and am rarely a passenger in it.

If I’m correct shifting into N would keep the engine running, as would shifting into P. Though I’ve never seen the car shifted into P. My wife drives the car into the intended parking position and just turns the car off.

Why would you shift into N while you’re waiting somewhere? You’ve still got to keep your foot on the brake so the car doesn’t roll.

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The station that I mostly use is level so no roll for the few times I might have to wait is when a tropical storm or hurricane comes up the gulf coast and people get crazy with topping their tanks and filling gas cans.

The point is not actually banning gas stations. The point is that they “can” ban gas stations and people accept it as OK. Today it is nasty gas stations for your own good. Then what? The frog in the frying pan. See Australia. This has been festering since the 60’s waiting for an opportunity.

So really talking about shutting the car off waiting in line and so on is missing the whole point. The wrestler gov called them “sheeple”.

Comrade Munster out


Business is regularly regulated in our fair city. regulating more bars, liquor stores, tattoo parlors and payday loans By zoning. Distance from others, churches schools etc.

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Two gas/convenience stores per block, must be separated by a Starbucks or Duncan’s.


Council had a big discussion about whether pawn shops should be 1000 feet apart or 2000 feet, along with the usual discussion of whether bars should be open until 1 or 2 since the later time drew people from outside and contributed to fights. Interspersed with whether to demo a 100 year old building or spend a million trying to stabilize it. Only one pawn shop though so kinda irrelevant. Used to be two but one closed down due to lack of business. Capitalism at work.

I’m glad someone wants to do the job though. And at least they were honest that while the tax rate has been reduced for next year, they said most people would be paying more in actual dollars due to increased property values. I successfully fought off no winter street parking like in the big city though as being silly. So now when it snows they warn get your car off the street or you may be tagged and towed. I don’t think anyone has though like in Minneapolis. They just plow a big windrow around the parked car. Life on the plains.

Remember one year decades ago, in St. Paul they ran out of plowing funds in Feb, so just stopped plowing!

Yeah I forget who the mayor was. Didn’t last long though. Budgets are estimates of what you are allowed to spend. Unusual conditions and you go back to the well for additional funds. Any fool knows that but I think it was more power show than anything, but my memory is foggy on it.

Kinda like a storm rolls through and knocks down power poles but Xcell says oh gee we ran out of poles and have to wait till spring for more money. In critical service industries no one would be stupid enough to do that. Called prioritizing.

I really need to just stop but that reminded me of the local jail trying to stretch their food budget for the inmates. Catered chicken dinners were cheap so they used those a lot. Then one inmate had the gall to write a letter to the editor about how they were tired of eating chicken dinners. Didn’t go over well with the deplorables trying to put food on the table for the kiddies and would have loved a catered chicken dinner or two. Ah ha ha, ya eat what is cooked for ya, kinda like the school cafeteria used to be.

Well we used to have to clean our plate in grade school, including bread pudding, some kids loved it, and they were happy to take it. Reminds me I got to go get some fruit cake. I always felt so sad, old lady I cut grass for and shoveled, no ac and it was considered cruel and unusual if people locked up in prison did not have ac. Take care of criminals better than an old lady with no money living in her house and paying taxes. She never had a drivers license, depended on church friends then went to a nursing home. I think 4 others besides us showed up for her funeral. Heard her family was fighting about what was left, and did not have time. 1 year of free lawn and snow care donated in her favor.

You are a great American. Reward will be forthcoming hopefully at a later date.

She was an old polish lady who cut her grass with the old style rotary push mower, then one day neighbor can you help me. So I cut her grass, then shoveled snow, every now and then she would give me $5, I would sy no don’t worry about it but she insisted. People are people she always used to say. We would make meals and take her some extras, she was so sweet, sorry can’t add any car stuff.

In my junior year I rented a room for $5 a week from an 80 year old widow living on SS. She lived on a corner lot but the deal was if I shoveled the sidewalk, then I could park my car in the garage. Woulda done it anyway. I’d go pheasant hunting and she would cook it like it was a thanksgiving meal. She was on a very tight budget. I always had a soft spot for older folks, but man was she deaf. Died a few years later.