Brake pedal sink slowly to the ground

some might say floorboard vs ground.

Considering the car’s age, and the recent problem, it might be a really good idea to examine all the lines and replace any with any signs of corrosion.

Looks like you got it spotted, good job OP. As I said above and TSM echoed, good idea to do a full brake inspection job at your earliest convenience.

Bought all of these, and just waiting for the weekend so work won’t get in the way.
If I’m missing anything let me know

Good, I see you have the flaring tool. Brake lines must be done w/a special type of flare called a “double flare”. Make sure you use that version for the flare.

Are you going to be bending the brake lines? If so, use a wire coat hanger to bend-out a template of what the shape needs to look like. You don’t want to kink the lines in the process of bending them, so obtain the proper bending tool… I’m not sure what method auto mechanics use to bend brake tubing. I put tubing inside a long spring to bend it.

No bend at all, and yes almost got the wrong flare kit, almost bought the bubble flare but I remember seeing a video that it have to be a double flare so it could hold pressure along with the matric union. So all I need now is a clear tubing and a bottle, might go to Wal-Mart later after work to buy it