BMW Steering, Brake Simultaneous Failure with Bad Battery?


I would know if the engine was not running. If the engine is not running and gears are engaged the car would stall. I first had warning lights followed by failure of steering and brakes and then a stall. So, I know that the engine was still running.

By “stall”, you mean “stop suddenly”? That’s not the case, with today’s automatic transmissions the car will coast.

The problem with what you’re proposing (lights/steering failure/brake failure, followed by engine shut down) is that we can think of no way for that to happen. HOWEVER, if the engine shut down first, then EVERYTHING ELSE makes sense.

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My gas pedal would not have worked either without the engine. I know it was running

So the brakes went out but you were accelerating? I’m sorry, that doesn’t make sense. If you wanted to stop, and the brakes weren’t working, the natural reaction would not be to hit the gas. I’d encourage you to really think about what happened. It can sometimes be hard to remember exactly what happened in a stressful situation.