There is so much basic technology being overlooked because it is not fashionable. And a great many ‘pie in the sky’ ideas are getting hyped because they are fashionable.
Ultimately, the answer will come in thermonuclear fusion technology. We will have to figure out how to make this work. In the interim, we will need to look at all the alternatives, nut Nuclear fusion will probably be the biggest part of the equation. Wind power will play a significant part for awhile, maybe forever. Solar is practical if you look into using the acreage available on all the rooftops in our country. The energy people will have a problem with this as they are used to working with centralized sources, not distributed sources.
The other part of energy equation, distribution for mobile platforms will have to hydrogen. It an be produced during the off peak hours at the power plants and used to power cars and trucks, maybe even aircraft as gas and diesel fuel become unavailable. The oil companies are not going to like that as it all but cuts them out of the market.
There are other possibilities to extend the life of oil as the primary source. There is plenty of oil in Canada locked up in the oil sands. It would be an environmental disaster to extract it with current technologies, but using nuclear or wind power to heat the sands could be a viable option. That will be expensive oil, but its all getting expensive anyway.
A natural gas pipeline running parallel to the oil pipeline in Alaska could be a big help too but that needed to be started about ten years ago, not ten years from now. But it should be started ASAP as any delays are only going to make things worse.
I heard they could cool the planet back down by putting something in the jet fuel around the world to cloud things back up a bit.
If the oceans get to high they can drain them into a low spot in Egypt or Death Valley and generate electricity.
The water would evaporate about as fast as it flows in.
The moon lifts the oceans about 2 feet everyday so that could also be useful.
Hope this helps…
tony. are you tippling again?