2021 Chrysler 300 - Rough idle after engine work

Chrysler 300 AWD with 3.6. Rough idle and ticking sound at 26,000 miles. Replaced all 24 rocker arms under warranty. Still runs the same with rough idle and ticking. Did anyone get engine parts replaced but still had the same problems after the fix. What was replaced? Was is it replaced twice?

How good is your warranty? You need more/better work or diagnosis.

Just take it back to the dealer and let them figure it out, sometimes under warranty it is a process of elimination kinda thing, they have a diagnostic tree they go by, and if there are known multiple things that could be causing the issue then those have to be replaced 1st sometimes… The pentastar engines had/have a known cam follower (rocker arm) issue, don’t know if it was fixed before your year or not, but the cam follower rollers go bad and can cause noise as well as eat a cam lobe up (wipe out the cam) causing a misfire also.. A Hydraulic Lash Adjuster (lifter) can fail and cause noise and possible misfire… And even a failing or weak oil pump loosing oil pressure might be causing the lash adjusters to not pump up enough to stop the clicking…

So as long as it is under warranty, just let the dealer do their thing, cause they couldn’t care less what you or anyone from the internet has to say about what is wrong with the engine they are working on… Worst case, take it to a different dealer…

Sorry you are having these problems…

EDIT meant rough idle, not necessarily misfire..