Advantages of pricey cars?

Yikes. That’s pretty extreme. Excessive frugality can become an all-consuming lifestyle. I know a guy that’s so cheap that he will go to McDonald’s with his wife and make them split a single cheeseburger. She must think he was quite a catch.

I bought a business from a guy that did nothing but brag about how he cut expenses while ignoring top-line sales. You can only cut expenses so far before it starts to have a negative impact on your life. IMO, focusing on the income side of business and life is way more interesting - and fun.


And I would be willing to almost bet that he spent wayyy more money on battery’s for the boom box then what a base level factory radio would have cost… :thinking:


This is the same guy who buys all of his clothing and shoes from a thrift shop. His clothing is usually badly-stained and worn-looking, and the shoes never quite fit him properly. The result of buying those old shoes is that he has contracted nasty foot fungus problems a few times, necessitating doctor visits and several Rx prescriptions.

This is the same guy who bought a huge quantity of incandescent bulbs because “everybody will want them after they’re no longer available in stores”. Ten years or so later, nobody has bought any of his stockpiled bulbs, and because they totally fill his largest closet, he had to rent a storage locker to hold some of his possessions.

Obviously, he isn’t saving any money in the long run, but nobody–including his now-separated wife–can convince him of that reality. His obsession with pinching pennies is having a very negative effect on his life, unfortunately.

I’m sure that’s indicative of many more and deeper issues, but why didn’t the wife just go buy the range she wanted? If my wife wants a new stove, she buys a new stove. If she wants a new car, she buys a new car.


It’s clear to me that she had wanted “out” for some time, and I think that this particular cheaping-out incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I’m happy to pay extra for power-assist brakes. Likewise, for a hydraulic clutch. If I could only have one of the two, I’d choose the hydraulic clutch.

I doubt it. All of my vehicles have always been purchased w/ the factory radio. Those are much better quality radios imo than the aftermarket versions.

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Used, trashed oil filters? I don’t think so. I presume you are referring to new oil filters. If you were taking a neighborhood stroll and somebody who was moving had placed on the curb with a “free” sign — among other things – a new oil filter still in the unopened box of a part number and brand you use for you car, what would you do? Just walk on by, leave it there?

I expect there’s more to that story. If the electronic ignition fails on the cooktop part of my gas range it just reverts to the older style, light it w/a match. This backup mode comes in very handy when there’s a power failure.

Of course there’s more to that story.
I explained to him that one can just use a match, and I also mentioned that I have had two gas ranges with electronic ignition that never needed repairs (I replace them when I re-do my kitchen). Additionally, I mentioned that none of my other friends or neighbors ever had repair issues with modern gas ranges.

I even mentioned that his Scion IQ has electronic ignition, as has virtually every other car for the past–I think–40 years. I asked him what he would do if his car needed to have its electronic ignition repaired, and he said that he would take it to a mechanic. I asked him why he couldn’t have a repairman come to his home in the unlikely event that his gas range’s electronic ignition needed to be repaired, and I just got silence from his end of the phone line.

The “more” is that he manages to rationalize anything that can allow him to spend nothing or next to nothing, and that mindset is slowly but surely eroding the quality of his life.

My '54 had so many Options, but I forgot all the standard equipment that she was built with…

The graphic is from the last page of the Sales Brochure and it lists the Standard Equipment…

Wondering why the oil & fuel filters are listed as “no extra cost” features?

Because Chrysler Corp. started including them as standard equipment. They were previously optional.

Ok, I think I understand. In that era it was possible to configure a new car to not even use an oil filter or fuel filter. The thinking (among some) being they aren’t necessary, and replacing them just adds extra bother & expense.

Not how I’d put it. They had been optional because they were a new feature. I don’t think it was because they were an ‘extra bother & expense’.

I can see how someone with a no-fuel filter car might decide to add one in-line, but were there also in-line oil filters too?

It was possible to configure a Volkswagen Bettle without an oil filter, those engines didn’t have oil filters.

Interesting. Beetle engines had no spot for an oil filter? Never heard that before now.

Checking the old Chevy brochures, the 1960 Chevy with a 6 had a bypass oil filter ‘optional at extra cost’, while the V8 had a full flow filter as standard.

Oh gee, if I remember correctly the drain was like a round cover. You replaced the gasket when you changed oil. No filter. I think there was a screen under there to be cleaned.

Now personally I would not retrieve a filter from the garbage. It may be brand new but how do I know what’s in it? Honda filters are sealed in plastic so that might be different. A $5 oil filter compared to an engine? Naw.

No I had to replace the igniter on my outdoor gas grill. I think it was $20 with shipping. But it sits out in the rain snow sleet 24/7.

I had an interview with a couple of old South Dakota lawyers just out of school. Between arguing about $50 a month, they imparted their marriage wisdom on me. Ole cl told me if the wife wants a new rug, she gets a new rug. That was it. She gets what she wants. If she wants a new stove, she gets one. Otherwise that is not being respectful and might as well leave the marriage. I was to be married soon. Holy cow she got a new house, new kitchen, furniture, etc. she never wanted a new welder but she got that too. Two way street. I told her there is a 25% off on new toro snowblowers due to no snow but she wasn’t impressed.

I presume you’re referring to your prior air cooled Beetle. Now you mention it I seem to recall they had an oil filter screen that was cleaned as part of the oil change. So they had an oil filter, just not the replaceable cartridge type we have today.

I probably would give a curb-find oil filter a try as long as it passed a visual inspection to verify it had never been used, and no sound when shaking it . Oil filers are not a common put on the curb item in these parts. The couple I found curb-side turned out to not fit my cars, although I thought at the time at least one of them would fit the truck, but later comparison with known to fit filter proved me wrong; so the end of this story is I never had to decide whether to use them or not. So what did I do w/them? I put them out on my curb, and they were gone the next day … lol …