2021 Toyota RAV4 - Coolant flush?

5 k coolant changes? How much time does it take to reach another 5K miles?

Seems to me I already answered this months ago. I have th3 dexcool changed every five years in my Pontiac. I don’t remember the mileage but before our drive to Florida I took the Acura in to have the coolant changed. They said there is no reason but wait for the timing belt change coming up. Then they’ll change th3 pump, coolant and all the other components. That’s what did. In the old days we would change coolant and thermostats every fall. So what’s the big deal?

You should be glad, because when Consumer Reports rated tire retailers, Mavis was rated dead-last, nationwide. They are all over the place in my neck of the woods, and I wouldn’t go near one of their stores as a result of their lousy reputation.

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Cameras provide a record of work performed in case a customer claims it wasn’t and shows that missing items aren’t gone because they were stolen in the shop. Escorts are for insurance purposes. The shop is a dangerous environment, especially for people that aren’t familiar with them, like customers. We never allowed anyone into work areas without escort. It’s amazing how many people want to touch spaceflight hardware when they have absolutely no idea what they are touching. My personal rule was never touch anything without know what it was, what the ramifications of touching it were, and why I wanted to touch it.

I use a local tire shop and I can walk out in the shop and talk with the guy working on my vehicle. They beat the national chain prices every day.

National tire chains are the WORSE.

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synthetic oil on rav 4 every 1800 to 2000 miles. Antifreeze/prestone or Super tech every 5 to 7K at most (drain and refill). Trans filter changed 2x at 55-60K point and around 95-100K point (has 109K on it for 2015 model). Trans fluid changed every 4 to 6k max. Fluids are cheap. Gives me something to do. I used to spend 250 a month on lottery and don’t now so it goes to fluids. Wife’s optima get an oil change at 1300 to 1500 miles (5 to 6 months time) and 1 trans and antifreeze change a year. At least I know the fluids are clean and things will last. Oh yeah, I’m OCD so that adds to it.

What happens to all that used (barely) antifreeze?

Can I have your oil when you’re done with it? :grinning:

Your car would probably like it if you used the correct coolant.

Does that translate to using only factory-fill fluids?

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Sounds like a whole lot of plastic jugs going to the landfill or wherever and good fluids being wasted because you are bored, and that is coming from a certified gas loving NON environMENTAList…

I have said before that you can not over change your fluids, I stand corrected…


I know he won’t change, but please, nobody else follow his example.

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I think (check the owner’s manual!), it is recommended every three years. I never do it unless I replace something related - water pump, radiator, hose, etc. - that requires coolant to be drained. Never had a problem. Just sold my 2004 4Runner with almost 350,000 miles…

The one with the leaking head gaskets?

Yep. The one my son drove with leaking hose and overheated. And drove it 3K more (after added coolant) with no symptoms.
I never said “don’t do it!”. I said I (I!!!) don’t. Let me clarify for exceptionally talented: it doesn’t hurt if you do.
Fluid (oil, coolant, ATF) aging depends on the vehicle. For example, after 2K oil on a ford looks like after 5K on a Toyota.

This reminds me of the commercial airplane pilot who thought it would be a good learning experience to let his kids fly the plane for a while. Fully loaded w/passengers. As you might expect, this didn’t end well.

WHY? That’s absurd. How many miles do you expect to get from that? I’ve kept 5+ vehicles well over 300k miles why just doing 5k oil changes. 3 of them were with regular dino oil.

If I read the post by OILMAN he is going by the xxxxx miles or 6 months and it looks like that vehicle only goes for 5000 miles or less in a year.

The other fluids he is changing makes zero sense that often.


On my seldom used car I changed oil and filter once a year. One year I had 7 miles on the oil change.