2015 GMC Sierra 1500 - Help with cylinder valves requested

Folks above posting about installing non-oem engines I expect aren’t serious. Your suggestion is the best approach, best done at a GM dealership imo.


Do you think the OP understands that? When the replies turn to nonsense, I think the guests just move the replies to the spam folder, Car Talk problem solved.

I expect you are right.

Where are you coming up with those specific model years?

On these Ask Someone redirects from car complaints, with short one liners, and no punctuations, after a few days of being a one and done, and being asked questions with no reply’s, things tend to start going south…

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Most posters are just looking for some more ideas, not expecting guaranteed solutions. Once they read the ideas, there’s no need to reply.

Maybe it’s just me and my age but I consider that rude behavior. Imagine you’re out somewhere and someone walks up to you and asks directions. You stop and take the time to provide them. What if they then just walked away without saying a word, let alone thanks. How would you feel about that? Fulfilled that you helped someone even if they appeared ungrateful? Same thing here IMO…

BTW- this is nothing new. I’ve been around this site since it started. In the early years, I would take the time to type out lengthy replies to even the most brief and incomplete of inquiries only to get the “I already tried that” or perhaps another miniscule tidbit of information. The worst was nothing at all. So I stopped doing it. I’m not wasting my time if you can’t be bothered to post a complete sentence let alone describe in detail what you’re experiencing or have tried to do prior to coming here. Sometimes, I’ll post a question to see if they are engaged or not. If they respond, then we can have a discussion. If not…cya.


When should the OP give up hope in having a productive discussion?

The third reply doesn’t sound like someone who has experience with this vehicle or problem.
The fourth reply suggest the use of an additive. With a misfire, the vehicle is undrivable. If the intake valve won’t close, it will be difficult to keep the engine running.

After that the hospitality gets worse.

No dispute, but comparing in-person talk vs anonymous internet talk, those are birds of a different feather. Its fine by me if a poster just wants ideas and doesn’t want to respond. That’s a valid way to use this forum. I’m a complete volunteer here, I receive no compensation at all, and am happy to help if I can. My compensation is good feelings for helping others. I don’t require any specific thank you’s for my compensation. . I understand however that not everyone may agree that amateur diy’ers volunteering to assist with opinions and ideas about poster’s vehicle maintenance and repair is a good thing. Those employed in the profession especially may feel it encroaches on their turf, and adversely affects their chosen profession. They may also believe diy’er ideas – bc of diy’ers limited exposure to all the possible vehicles and their manifold configurations – are often not entirely 100% correct and as such harmful to the posters asking questions . It would be fine by me if the Car Talk admins insisted on only pro members posting here, and all the volunteer diy’ers leave immediately. There’s plenty of other volunteer activities I can do. But there’s no movement in that direction that I can see, so I’m happy to continue on here. .

We have a problem here (SF Bay area) with with big giant rats … if car talk doesn’t want my help, I may be volunteering to help w/that … lol …

What he said… :point_up:

It’s not nice to tease people… :rofl:

When you do a Google search, do you write thank-you letter to Google?

If you can’t differentiate between interacting with humans and a computer program, well, we have bigger issues to contend with then…


Google has no human employees?

Congrats on achieving troll status in my book. Cya.


@jsmith6610 … please let us know what you find out about the stuck valve problem.