2012 Impreza

I Think If These Whackos At The EPA Really Wanted To Do Something Special They Should Set A Limit As To How Much Oil A Brand New Car Could Consume (Burn, Leak) During Its First Regular Oil Change Interval.

Manufacturers Would Be A LIttle More Concerned Than They Seem To Be At This Time. This Car Should Not Pass The Test.

We’ve got all these mandated things from Big Brother, why not require oil level sensors that alert a one quart consumed and mileage recorder by the black box ?

All that oil going into our “environment” doesn’t really bother me, but the whackos should be very concerned. Hexx, their worried my next car may not get the mpg they’d like, but oil ?
Who cares, eh ?


I cannot agree to another in an already too long list of mandates. Everything in the world cannot be solved by mandate. If oil usage were mandated, a regulation would follow that required the OBDII system to monitor oil usage and report it automatically to the feds and it’d be just like the EVAP CEL lights; people trying to survive on budgets would be forced to spend hideous amounts trying to solve yet another nusience failure code.

And another $1000 will be added to the cost of each new car for this new oil usage monitoring system.

Lordy, if we keep piling mandates on, soon we’ll be requiring systems to monitor the emissions and oil usage of the car parked NEXT TO us!

Exactly, TSM. You Saw Through What I Was Saying And Got Right To Point I Was Making. However, I Think We Are Un On Unending Path Of Government Mandates And Regulations Piled Upon Government Mandates And Regulations.

It Looks To Get Worse, Before It Gets Better. Check Out Some Of The Current Administrations Latest Appointments To EPA And Department Of Energy. Hold On To Your Wallet. A Carbon Tax Is Coming Down From On High. We Had Schools Closed Today Because Of Global Warming Which Caused Snow And Ice That Made Travel Nearly Impossible.

More Evidence Of Global Warming ? People Cross-Country Skiing At Our Golf Course This Past Week-End. Oh, and my record high heating bills for the last two months, now going for 3 ! We Need More Regulations, Departments, And Taxes To Save Us.