2007 Toyota 4Runner - Timing problem

Re: timing chain stretch

Chain stretch is a common problem for bicycles. Ask me how I know? … lol … But “chain stretch” is really a misnomer, at least on bicycle chains. The metal chain parts themselves don’t stretch. Instead the holes for the roller-pins elongate from wear. The chain effectively lengthens b/c of the longer holes, not b/c the metal pieces stretch.

If automobile chains stretch in the same manner, then OP’s stretched chain may have been caused by grit and acids accumulating in the oil. Suggest going forward to insure your efforts last by changing oil and filter frequently.

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Right you are! We change our own oil and filter every few thousand miles now. Give 'er the nice high-mileage synthetic oil. So far so good, knock on wood! At this point we did the big fix half a year ago. Just took me a while to post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations on a job well done. You now have some tools to do other work and have the sense to use cheater pipes that make things easier and safer.

One of the best parts is that the y have not figured out how to tax you on the money you saved.

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sshhhhh … lol … no need to bring that to the politico’s attention … lol …

I expect many so-called “laws” are partially at least to make sure everything possible is taxed. Can’t sell used household goods, like old underwear, at a flea market in this area more than twice a year without paying the state sales tax. Yard maintenance companies drive around neighborhoods looking for work, ask homeowners if they want to hire them. If homeowner says “no”, and if they are able spot something, a misplaced tree limb etc, anything that might not be 100% up to landscaping code they inform the local gov’t, who issues a citation. The local gov’t wants the homeowner not do it themselves, but instead to hire a service company, b/c then the transaction can be taxed.

Why did you fix car at store? The logistics of travel daily/weekly sounds crazy. That where parts/tools are? Do you have house? Garage?

We would have had to travel to the store frequently anyway to get random bolts and tools that we didn’t yet own. It was a complex job, so we anticipated this situation arising frequently, which it did. Made much more sense to just go to the store and stay there so we could buy whatever we needed whenever we needed it. We were also right next to a bunch of fast food restaurants too, which was a nice bonus. :slight_smile:

I would much rather work on my car at my house.
My kid had his belt done and new rack installed. And sold it 1 month later for more then he paid for suv and repairs. Folks in colo really like Cali cars. Funny.