2004 Subaru legacy gasket issues - chances that Subaru will pay for it? I can't afford too!

The only way to find out what the bulbs will cost is to ask.

Replace the parts. The cost of the parts is small compared to the labor costs it would be if they had to go in and replace them later. The dealer will also be using genuine Subaru parts where another shop may not.

They may require this to guarantee their work. I’d go along with it. Isn’t that in the price you have?

What you all say makes sense. I will bring in my paper work from what was done last year and let them decide what makes sense…they said they would be able to look at the timing belt and see if it got fluid on it- does that make sense ? I am going tomorrow morning. Will my car feel any different or only smell different? maybe the smell of burning oil make take a little while to go away! LOL and I do need lights on my dash- I can’t see my dials at night when I drive! I have been able to tell how fast I am going basically from the …is it called tachometer…the rpms…but that is even going out! it’s time:)

ok I guess we can close this topic- thanks everyone who supported me! my car is ready and for around $1500 I have both gaskets changed. They had two men on it and got it done in a day -should I worry they did it too fast? Thanks again all!

A better result than I thought you would get.

really ? what did you think I would get ? they basically said they would not need to change the timing belt unless it had stuff on it - I did not get the final price - picking up tomorrow - but this is where I am…

Sounds about right. Good luck!


You got a very good deal on that and should be very happy. You shouldn’t have any more issues for a long time. Be sure to change out all the fluids when they are scheduled to be done, including the coolant.

thank you! I feel good that I got them to help - they basically admitted there is an issue. Now - what do you mean change all the fluids- does that not happen over time when I take my care for maintinance - will I need to watch that beyond what my local shop recommends ?

Yeah - I think my car will be good for a while…I am driving a 2013 automatic impreza…like m car better!

I change the coolant every 30,000 miles with Subaru brand coolant. Not the cheapest, but the best way to keep the new head gaskets in good shape.