Will 80PSI in a 35PSI Tire cause permanent damage

"Really? Hunter S. Thompson on tire and suspension issues? What’s next? Jack Kerouac on engine rebuilding? Timothy Leary and transmissions?"

Well, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, perhaps? (Sorry, somebody had to say it!)

First half of that book was great. The second half–hard to imagine somebody losing his mind over a subject as petty as a dispute over philosophy!

My blood starts to boil whenever I hear Timothy Leary’s name. Rotting down below for all of the kid’s lives he tried to ruin in the 60’s.

Just an FYI:

Different tires have different inflation pressure requirements. Car tires are typically inflated around 30 psi. Truck tires are around 100 psi. LT tires (pickups) are in the 60 to 80 psi range. Some aircraft tires are over 300 psi.

And each tire is designed to contain that pressure (and more, due to fatigue!)

When an overinflated tire explodes,it will release energy equivalent to a certain amount of high explosive(dont be standing near it when it goes) beware!

Well, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, perhaps? (Sorry, somebody had to say it!)

First half of that book was great. The second half–hard to imagine somebody losing his mind over a subject as petty as a dispute over philosophy!

I probably read that book once every 2 years. Always find something new to take away from it.

One thing that always resonates with me when I’m wrenching on one of my cars and I break a stupid little nut or something is the part where Pirsig talks about how that little ten cent piece of hardware is now worth the entire cost of the vehicle, because until you get it fixed the vehicle is useless.

The narrator isn’t losing his mind in the second half, btw. He’s getting his mind back after having his personality (temporarily) altered by electroconvulsive therapy.