Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do

“Nothing makes me happier than seeing a pill box hat”

The list on Cars was pretty complete, but It’s missing the Drivers who don’t know how a 3 or 4 Way stop works. We pull up waiting our turn, but there’s the car who can’t remember who they’re supposed to go after. Oh, the People who won’t make a right on red when it’s safe to do so, so we’re waiting on a long red light, when you can go except the person in front of you is oblivious to the world, until sometime AFTER the light turns green.

Automatic headlights during a snowstorm. Most people don’t realize that their taillights don’t come on during a daytime snowstorm when they have auto headlights. Guess what, I can barely see you. I realize it is snowing and you slowed down, so did I, just not down to 15 on the interstate. Lights are not just there so you can see, they are there so that you can be seen.

And before you get on me about driving too fast, I was with a group doing 40 this past winter and the whole group nearly drove off the road when we came upon a guy doing 15 without taillights. Although, I am usually that jerk driving too fast in the snow.

Well, not signalling, or leaving the signal on for 5 miles, especially if you’re in the wrong lane for the direction being signalled.
But what really scares me is when I’ve rushed through an intersection on the last possible nanosecond of a yellow light, like a proper idiot, and I check in my rearview mirror and see that 1 or 2 cars followed me through on the red.

As a police officer I stopped a Veh the driver was driving with his knees while reading a map (not speeding but going 65mph) said he was in a hurry and did not want to pull over and waste time. This got me a little upset.

Where I live it is common to see drivers cross a double yellow line to make a left turn, even thought there is not a “suicide lane” present. Jeez! A few weeks ago I was driving my Ford Transit van about 45 mph in a 55 mph zone, which was soon to become a 35 mph zone with a bike trail crossing. Some tailgating kid passed me across a solid yellow line, just to get to the next “T” intersection ahead of me. He was turning left, and I was going right. How sad for him when I pulled up to his right completely blocking his view of oncoming traffic. I must have sat there for two minutes, glaring at him. He waved. I’d still be there if not for the cars behind him. Idiot!

  1. Drivers who speed in a residential district, especially one marked with a top speed of 25. They can hit kids, stray animals, joggers, cars backing out of a garage who did not see them two seconds before they sped through.

  2. Drivers who won’t “let you in,” especially when a lane has narrowed to the point where you must move into their adjacent lane.

  3. Tailgaters. Tailgaters. Did I mention tailgaters. Especially in the slow lane who won’t shift to the faster lane. I slow down for tailgaters, thus minimizing the risk of impact.

  4. Drivers one or two lanes to your left who, as you and they approach an exit, cut wildly in front of you at the last minute to get into the exit. Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech.

I would like to complain about the person who complained about the terms Fart Can and or Rice Bucket as they obviously have NO automotive clue’s at all. These terms have been used since Moby Dick was a Minnow in the Car Culture so they should brighten up and learn before complaining ever again. We have been using this stuff for well over 50 years now.

How about “stealth drivers.” When it is raining or just before dawn or dark they drive without lights on. Apparently the rationale is, “I can see so what do I care if you can’t see me?” Or, maybe they really are on nefarious business!

A few years back, people here would frequently swing WAY out to the left (to the point they are not in the right turn lane) to make a right turn, and even stupider, I’d see some swing their car out to the right while making a left turn

That’s how they drive in the south. I have never seen it otherwise. When they swing out to the left the driver behind (me) assumes (stupidly) they are turning left, moves forward on the right then slams on the brakes to keep from hitting that car that was supposed to be on the left. If yer turning left, get to the left side. Right? Right side.

And how about the people who refuse to turn on their lights in bad weather? I live in W. Michigan, and it snows a lot (72"/yr. avg.) here. My car has DRLs, but I put all my lights on in bad weather so I can be seen. On a snowy day last winter, an oncoming white car had no lights on, so I could barely see him. I flashed mine at him to remind. He flashed back. Jeez.

Crowding - in any way, shape, or form, e.g.
tailgate - especially right into a merge
swerve onto the wrong side of the street to block your view while you are waiting to enter a busy intersection.
over center line on narrow two-lane road

Any kind of crowding is unnecessarily dangerous and can be lethal.

“We have been useing this stuff for well over 50 years now.”

Really? We had a slang term for Japanese cars before 1961? We were really on top of things, weren’t we?

I hate it when entering an interstate, some guy or girl directly ahead of me enters slowly and you have to wait until they finally creep on and you can pass them only to see them drinking a malt or eating a sandwich, completely oblivious to those behind them also trying to get on and merge with traffic.

“Really? We had a slang term for Japanese cars before 1961?”

Well, considering the Toyota Crown was here in '57, and Datsun was here in '58, I’d say that was probably fairly likely, yes.

Is there a particular reason you bop around the board randomly snarking at people?

How about those guys on a 4 lane road that don’t have the sense to be in the correct lane more than half a block before the turn.
Example 1. The left lane is a little faster so idiotdriver may get one or two cars ahead before idiotdriver cuts in front of you with the car length you provided for your own safety, then make you near stop as idiotdriver turns right.
Example 2. Idiotdriver in the right lane and needs to turn left in the turn lane, but because idiotdriver turned so late blocks the left lane.

Two common annoyances:

  1. Drivers who pull out in front of you and then drive slowly, especially on a two-lane road. They see you coming, why can’t they wait until you’ve passed? This is especially annoying if you have to hit your brakes when they pull out.
  2. Drivers who yield the right of way to you when they legally have it. I’m not talking about a situation like when there is a huge line of traffic and someone lets you in. I’m talking about the person who has the right of way at an intersection and insists on waving you through first. It only confuses the issue and sets you up to be in the wrong if there is an accident.

"Well, considering the Toyota Crown was here in '57, and Datsun was here in '58, I’d say that was probably fairly likely, yes.

Is there a particular reason you bop around the board randomly snarking at people? "

See, I learned something!

Having the pure enjoyment of driving a tractor-trailer to deliver in an Eastern Seaboard city on a daily basis has given me a particular pet peeve. Beyond the OTHERS listed here, of course. Mine is the drivers that like to pull up well beyond the white stop lines at lighted intersections. You see, in big cities, a lot of stopping points for stop lights are well back from the ACTUAL intersection, to allow for buses and other LARGE vehicles to be able to fit around corners without crushing city dwellers. So, next time you’re waiting on a red light, giving a trucker a dirty look because he’s blowing his air horn at you and pointing 100’ behind you to where you SHOULD be, you’re illegally in the intersection, dummy!

who would they place blame on if you happen to catch their front bumper with your trailer and it was found that they were well past the stop line for the light?