Geoff with a G

It appears that sara’s more vindictive posts have been removed now. Lets let this thread slip into obscurity.

Correction: You have it very good.

Having it very well means you’re very good at having it.

@CSA: I don’t think running to moderator is the solution for the use of the terms you mentioned directed at someone on the show, not on the board. A gentle peer-to-peer censure should do it, except in exceptional cases, and I think we all know which one I mean.

<comment so I can see littlemouse’s comment>

Littlemouse, your style is strikingly similar to Sarah, not that I care as I believe in a free and open world. I am sorry you took offense to the soccor mom thing, perhaps if he had said soccer dad no one would have been upset.

I am a little late to chiming in here, but I locked the discussion. It’s not going anywhere good, and I think sarasmile was needlessly inflammatory with her choice of words from the beginning. If the discussion is revived in another thread, we’ll be very quick to shut that down if more foul language and verbal attacks appear. It went on too long, and that’s my fault.