Tom, Ray and your car's MPG

The market place has NEVER ruled in these things. MPG and polution have NEVER been influenced by the market. Mainly because if the automanufacturers don’t offer a choice then we’ll never know it exists.

The greatest increases in MPG was when it was mandated by the government. Funny how the auto-industry was able to all of a sudden make cars that are heavier, faster yet get MUCH BETTER gas mileage then they did 30 years ago.

The same thing for polution. The automanufacturers would have spent $0 in R&D to make less poluting cars if it wasn’t mandated. Back in the 60’s they were given tax incentives to come up with ways to make a car polute less. After 2 years and MILLIONS of dollars in tax incentives…the big 4 went to congress with a report saying that cars can NOT be made to polute less. Funny how things have changed since they wer MANDATED to come up with ways to make cars polute less. Funny how every car manufacturer can somehow make a car that meets California’s standards…yet sell a completely different car that polutes 1000% more to countries in South America where there is no standard.