How bad is a head gasket "leak"?

Unfortunately Subarus are known for this in the mechanic world…I am CERTAIN they leave this out at the showrooms during car purchases… Did they say how it was leaking? Bec it can leak in MANY variations… It would be good to know what they said. At any rate while I cant argue with Cigroller… There is hope. FIxing the prob is obviously the best way to go, bec of what awaits you…overheating for seemingly no reason, coolant leaking out of rad bec of too much pressure or worse…coolant in your oil or visa versa…none of this is fun and ALL of them will interrupt your day. WHile it isnt bad you could use Blue Devil…its 60 bucks and I mention it so often I should get paid by them…but if you have seen what I have seen using this product, you would recomnd it too…Its AMAZING stuff and it will NOT harm your engine nor clog your radiator. It looks like windshield washer fluid in every respect and it finds hot spots I believe and then sort of calcifies…like a hard water build up and seals the leak…truly amazing stuff I swear it…Just follow the instructions and you will not have any head gasket issues… it works…period. I have even seen it fix cracked heads and we did an experiment of putting a cylinder head on a water cooled motorcycle with NO HEAD GASKET…and Blu Dev sealed it…

I mention this due to how tough times are…certainly for me…I can imagine others are experiencing tough times too…and a 60 fix beats a 2000+ one if you can avoid it. At the VERY LEAST it will buy you A LOT of time… Time to save for the proper mechanical fix perhaps or time to see how long it stays fixed…Kinda like Kramer on Sienfeld seeing how far he can go on Empty…LOL.

Then again…being a mechanic…you know that I’d fix it…esp bec its a pretty easy job on a Subie…the engines in Subies…are EZ to take out…but I also know not everyone can do the things I take on. SO…up to you…THe right way no one can argue with…The Blue dev way is basically halfway in between I guess…but it WILL work that I know. Check it out on the net…I am sure they have a website…and they should PAY ME…LOL